Sonnyhas come to Canada from Korea on a quest to better her English and gain an education. Along the way, she has made some pretty inter- esting observations. Here’s the latest installment of life... gue UF lather on the Relish By Sunny Canadians seem to really enjoy the summertime. In Korea, every summer, vithout fail, the animal love groups demand a bill to prohibit dog meat. In anada and Korea, summertime is not the summertime without hotdogs, or is at hot dogs? Also, without fail, these dog lovers only see their side of the argu- ent. These protestors in Korea say that dog meat is evil and savage, while their opponents say it is not that different from eating pork or beef. Most Koreans pre tired of this quarrel, but it seems like it will go on forever. Western Culture to me seems like a pet culture. Brigitte Bardot talked about boycotting the Olympics in Korea over the dog issue. I wonder if she knows at her ancestors dined on dog. I also wonder why so many people think of her as an animal rights activist, but don’t know that she was convicted in 2004 of citing racial hatred for comments that included ones encouraging civilian mas- sacres in Algeria. She has also referred to homosexuals, as “fairground freaks”, and has previously condemned the presence of women in government. People in South Korea eat dogs and cats. People in India do not believe’ in eating cows and are horrified at the way cows are treated in Western culture. Koreans do not eat their pets; they eat dogs that come from dog farms. In 1870's Paris, there were butcher shops that sold dog, cat and mouse meat. Also, Saint — Honore (one of the cities largest markets) also sold similar fare. In ancient times, the Romans, Germans, Belgians, native Alaskans, Indians, ative Canadians, Hawaiians and Bharmauti tribesman in New Zealand all ate dog meat. Now did these people blame the French for eating snails and pate de foie pras? Cultural eating choices are just people’s taste and depend on their cultural differences. If people eat dog meat or cow meat, that energy in our body is just the same as other foods. The choice is up to you, but as long as is not it more important ing that make right thinking without cultural flunkeyism? PI E’VE GOT JOBS WAITING... Food & Beverage opportunities: JOBSWAITING.COM the kanagan UBC Ww THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA | OKANAGAN Apply by Feb. 28