‘Staff Orientation Workshop The Staff Orientation Committee has organ- ized a workshop to be held April 21, 1200 - 1400 hours, in the large lecture theatre. At that time, staff will be given an over- view of Douglas College as an organization, and the duties/responsibilities of various administrative personnel, and a College Board member. It is expected that our staff members will come away from the work- shop with a better understanding of how the college operates, who the administrators are and what they do. Management Committee approved and enthus- iastically supported the holding of this workshop. I therefore expect that all staff members will be released to attend the workshop. The only exceptions should be in those service areas that must remain open to the public during that time, and my expectation is that as many staff mem- bers as possible will be released in such cases - perhaps some for the first hour, and others for the last hour. The college as a whole benefits whenever our personnel become better informed, and T hope I can count on the support of all administrative personnel for this and future staff workshops. Bill Day Opening Ceremonies ‘helpers’ Thanked — I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and offer thanks to all College personnel who helped with the Opening Cer- emonies, and especially thank the members of the Steering Committee - Andy Andrews, Julie Beaucaire, Bill Blancard, Heather Campbell, Gerry DellaMattia, Mayme Furber, West Graydon, Anne Howard, Ken McCoy, Al licMillan, Pat Thomasson, Catherine Traer, and Rudy Van Berkel. Thanks also to Chairman Bill Emerton, Sandy Mad Hatter Page 6 ell Tompson (also a member of the Steering Committee), Stewart Graham, Gerry Trerise, and the other member of the Douglas College Board, as well as publicists Bill Bell and Pascale Best, and Committee secretary Lorraine Aldridge. I would like to thank those outside the College community who participated in the ceremony, especially former Mayor Muni Evers of the City of New Westminster, Bill | Rudd of the New Westminster Chamber of Com- merce, Chris Brown of the Fraser River Harbour Commission, Brian Hulme of CJP Architects, Frank Brannen of P.C.L. Con- struction, Gunther Edel of the New West- minster Parks Board,and the personnel of Imperial Parking Ltd. and E.C.E. Industries. Thank you all for making our Opening a resounding success. Ed Redmond President Away Bill Day will be away from the College from Wednesday, April 20 to Wednesday, April 27. During his absence, Jim Doerr will be Acting College President. Jim can be reached at his office (#4900C, local ji 4905), or via the President's office. | Library Summer Hours Effective Monday May 2 the library hours will be as follows: Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri. Tue. Sat. & Sun. 0830 to 1630 hrs. 0830 to 1915 hrs. Closed Please note - the library will be closed Saturday, April 30.