Yhey were all designed on the basis of an assumption that seems to be coming true - that this field of education would grow in significance; that gradually, occupational fields would emerge related to these areas of expertise; that there waS a community need for non-formal and volunteer groups interested in the arts to have an educational institution to whom they could relate on an ongoing cooperative basis. Jointly, we can do the job. The Foundation will be the means. of getting some of the resources. Fi. FACULTY RENEWAL I have made previous reference to a concern for, and a desire for, faculty renewal. It is important to recognize that I am not talking about a stereotypical hack who has to be rejuvenated in some mysterious way in order to become viable as a professional. This kind of person, if he/she exists at all in Douglas College, certainly exists in small numbers. In any case, a person who has reached such a terminal state of inadequacy is not likely to be helped by any opportunities or self development. On the other hand, many of us have served within Douglas College in substantially the same role for extended periods of time, under conditions of considerable stress in many cases, and with steadily increasing workloads - especially during the past few years. The latter condition is not likely to change. We are all having to work harder, smarter, and in _ some cases longer than we have been used to in the past- On the other hand, we all know that the College makes substantial provisions in time, and money for opportunities for regeneration and rejuvenation. These opportunities are described in both the faculty and staff agreement, and represent a real opportunity for creativity, if we can work cooperatively to ensure that these provisions address personal needs and institutional needs, and are backed by enthusiastic support from the administration. I am aware of increasing concern for quality and excellence of performance throughout the organization - from students, faculty, staff, and administration, - and I am convinced that the attainment of high quality performance is in itself an energizing activity. Therefore, I wish at this time to commit myself and the administration to work actively with the Faculty Association and the B.C.G.E.U. in ensuring that present resources are used to better advantage for individual development, and _ that we also focus on the means by which we can assist faculty and staff to cooperate to do a better job. TI think for example of the efforts of Bob Shebib and the faculty of the community service worker program. They have carried out an excellent analysis of their program configuration = and student performance. The extraordinarily detailed and methodical work carried out by our nursing faculty is a model that we might all emulate. Resources will be made available to initiatives within the college involving faculty, staff, and administration. I hope that these initiatives will come from the groups themselves, who know best the nature and = problems of their work, in order that the administration can act in a supportive, rather than in a directive role. We will be pursuing these matters directly and separately with the unions in order to ensure that there is an appropriately supportive environment