MAD HATTER PAGE 4 COMPUSPEAK MADE EASY Remember the good old days when offices and classreoms needed nothing more than the odd manual typewriter and a gestet- ner machine? Well those days are long gone. Today with the introduction of highly sophisticated, complex electronic equip- ment it is becoming essential for em- ployees at every level to familiarize themselves with the new, and oftimes confusing, terminology that accompanies these products of the computer age. To help those of us unfamiliar with the Orwellian world of space age technology here is a glossary of computer terms: COMPUTER - a device which solves prob- lems by accepting information, perform- ing prescribed operations on the infor- mation and producing results in a form readable either by humans or by other machines. INPUT - the information to be processed by a computer. KEY-TO-DISK - the process of recording information directly onto a magnetic disk from a typewriter-like keyboard. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT(CPU) - the part of the computer that includes the cir- cuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. ON-LINE - devices and data files which are connected and available to the central processing unit of a computer. CATHODE RAY TUBE(CRT) - a device com prised of a display screen and key- board which is used to enter informa- tion into a computer or word processor, or to receive and display results pro- duced by the computer. VIDEO DISPLAY TERMINAL (VDT)- same as cathode ray tube. HARDWARE - physical equipment that makes up a computer system. SOFTWARE - the collection of programs and routines which control the proces- sing performed by a computer. | PROGRAM - a set of instructions which directs a computer to perform specific operations so as to achieve a desired result, MEMORY - the part of a computer that stores information for future retrieval and processing. INTERFACE - the connection or common boundary between two computers or two parts of a computer system. OUTPUT - information that has been processed by a computer. MINICOMPUTER - a small and relatively inexpensive computer. WORD PROCESSOR - a device used to deoree manipulate and retrive pages of infor- mation. ELECTRONIC MAIL - the transmission of mail or messages electronically. FLOPPY DISK - small flexible disk (similar to 45 rpm records) used for low cost low capacity data storage. Disk storage capacity is measured by K units (Kolobytes). DISTRIBUTED-LOGIC WORK-PROCESSING SYSTEM - where both the work station and central processor have separate processing capabilities. SHARED-LOG WORD-PROCESSING SYSTEM - where many work stations use the logic and capabilities of a central processor. STAND-ALONE SYSTEM - a word processing system which contains its own work sta- tions and processors, usually micro- processor-controlled. (From Education Today, February 1982.)