icon a) tre 5 ~ Mmrkr tad A PLANNING COMMITTEE CANADIAN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR Barry Pashak, Janet Burton, Beth Corden, Mona Chéhadé, Ken MacKeracher, Serge Malouin, David Tabakow, Bill Thompson, Janet Willis, Executive Director (1975) Centennial College Humber College Collége Bois-de-Boulogne Humber College CEGEP de Sherbrooke Vanier College Humber College Seneca College ADVISORY COMMITTEE CANADIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGES INSTITUTE Robert Anderson, Henry Anderson, Donna Campbell, Paul Gallagher, Tom Gilligan, Robert Giroux, Don Glendenning, Roger Lafleur, Normand Larochelle, Bruce McAusland, Robert Sabourin, H.W. Warburton, George Wooton, Gerald Wright, Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Lethbridge President, Grand Prairie College Chairman, Metro-Toronto Professional Development Director General Dawson College Principal, Vancouver City College Director, Student Services St-Clair College President, Holland College Directeur-Général, College Ahuntsic Vice-recteur, Université de Sherbrooke Director General John Abbott College Directeur-Général CEGEP de Sherbrooke President, College Faculties Federation of British Columbia Principal, Douglas Coliege Coordinator, Professional Development, Ontario Department of Education BOARD OF DIRECTORS, CANADIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGES INSTITUTE Dr. Gordon Campbell, Robert Burns, Arnold Dagenais, Doreen Desmarais, Dr. Robert Gordon, Ken MacKeracher, Marcel Riendeau, Martin Serediak, University of Lethbridge John Abbott College Vanier College Collége Régional Bourgchemin Dawson College Humber College Université de Sherbrooke Mount Royal College © Participants, however, make the de- cisions as to their own directions. This is accomplished through daily planning sessions, a steering commit- tee, and various ad-hoc groups focusing on mutually identified needs. C.C.C.1.-A.C.C.C. The Canadian Community Colleges Institute has a communications affi- liation with the Association of Canadian Community Colleges and works with the A.C.C.C. specifically in the area of professional and developmental programmes. Workshop Fee: Group fees are available for up to a maximum of three partici- pants from the same college. For Further Information and Applications Canadian Professional Development Workshop ACE, 1750 Finch Ave. E. Willowdale, Ontario M2N 3T2