Take Over the World #*Four Easy Steps @ Come to the Other Press staff meeting Sept 2 or stop by rm 1020 @ Contribute to the first two issues of the semester © Submit a résumé for your favourite coordinator position. 1 @ Get elected. Elections will be held on September 16. That's it. From this position of power, you are poised to take over the world using your contacts at the Other Press and at the publishing liberhaiis, the Canadian University Press. You will have access to the world’s power centres with your trusty press pass. A bit of creative regicide, and you're there! You're king of the world!!2 1 Tf you haven't contributed to the first two issues of the semester, you will not be able to apply for a coordinator position. The coordinating positions available are News, Culture, Athletics, Production, Photography, Distribution, Features, Coquitlam, CUP Liason, Opinions/Editorial and Online. No prior experience is necessary. The Other Press is a collective of Douglas College students who gather together each week to put out the best darn paper we can. 2 The Other Press does not endorse regicide, or any other form of politically-motivated killing. This guide to taking over the world has been producted for informational purposes only. Honest.