Adult Speclal Education Through the combined and Individual efforts of personnel In three different Divisions of the College, we have developed a reputation for our high quality service to adults with special needs. We are engaged In the training of paraprofesslionals to work with people with special needs; we provide Instruction to a range of students from the severely to the mildly handicapped; we provide special support services and equipment to speclal needs students In regular college programs. These activities have resulted from our close community links - I Inks which we contInue to malntain and which assist us to Improve existing Programs, and to develop new programs. Fine & Performing Arts Our existing expertise, our outstanding physical facilities, and the development of fliIm studios In the Lower Malniand region provided Impetus for us to expand existing Programs, or develop new ones, In Theatre, Stagecraft Oo Technology, and Performing Arts Management. These have been undertaken In cooperation with other Institutions In the Lower Malnliand, Including SImon Fraser University. Physical Education & Recreation Our expertise, physical faciliIltles, and community need, encourage us to pursue developments in this area. We have established a Sports Institute, through which we provide non-credit Instruction to community members Involved In Coaching and Sports Administration, and we provide membership for community members to utIl lize the college resources for fltness and recreatlonal activities. These activities have provided a higher level of knowledge and skills to community volunteers and have also provided the college with valuable economic IInks. EVALUATION: During the 1985/86 academic year, the college undertook the Self-Study and External Audit process, with the External Audit Team visiting our campus In October, 1986. 10