Rethinking Politics Recreating Community February 14 - 16, 1985 | Robson Square Media Centre, 800 Robson Street, Downtown Vancouver A Conference describing, analyzing and debating current experience in community-based local initiatives and their implications for local economies, social services and adu education. ' — } COLLEGE | ARCHIVES | Mad Hatter Page 5 1 which there will be a discussion | period where all participants will be ;free to comment, ask questions orf {raise issues. ' {Participants may speak in either of lthe two official languages. It is ;expected however, that the proceedngs jwill, for the most part, be in | English. 1t | Display Area The St. Mungo Cannery archaeological display, on view in Room 3417 in the Conference On Human Rights And The Peace of Nations co-sponsored by the Canadian Human Rights Foundation and Simon Fraser University. Hotel Georgia 801 West Georgia Vancouver, B.C. February 8, 1985 0900 hours Conference Objectives 1. To explore the relationship be- tween human rights and peace; 2. To analyse some of the nationa and international political structures required to promote y greater interdependence between human rights and peace; and 3. To examine opportunities open to Canada and Canadians to contri- bute to the development of human rights and peace. This conference on Human Rights and the Peace of Nations will be struc- tured so as to permit maximum debate amongst participants. Each of the agenda items will be introduced briefly by a discussion leader after Social Sciences area, will be re- moved at the end of January. Anyone who has not yet seen this interesting exhibit, which was prepared by the B.C. Heritage Trust, should do so before the end of this month. In early February, a new display will i be set up. This exhibit, prepared iby the B.C. Provincial Museum, is on 'petroglyphs and pictographs (Indian rock carvings and paintings) in British Columbia. ‘All members of the college community /and general public are welcome and encourage to view the displays. The room (3417) will be open afternoons | (Monday to Friday) from 1200 - 1600. /For access at other times, inquire at the Social Sciences Office. Basketball: Staff/Faculty Wednesday 1200 to 1400 hours Gymnasium Eugene at Local 2832 for more information Contact: