services for students with a minimum of referral and delay. Also, Admissions and Counselling are now co-ordinating their services on Richmond campus. Much will be happening at Douglas College in the next few years that will call for changing models of operation in the Counselling Department. Possible trends under consideration include: a) Store-front counselling and community counselling; b) More lay counselling and peer counselling; c) Inter-relating and melding with related campus-service areas; d) Greater sharing of facilities and personnel with other institutions (secondary schools, agencies, etc.); e) Additional assessment roles for literacy, career programs, apprenticeship, etc.; £) More community leadership training to assist in the development of human resources; g) More collaborative programs (inter-disciplinary, inter- agency, inter-institutional); h) More "cutting edges" -- the disadvantaged, crisis counselling, preparation for change; i) New family and personal communications courses. CREDITS... Resource material...Counselling Personnel Copy typing...........00- Jeannette Morris Photos and headings...Audio-Visual Department Print production and pasteup.......... Tom Rosamond PYESSWOTKS fsle aerewne sew Theeieueere Mike Lawrence COpy CODED. oo o'enc eee ieue 6 ese ale a el ..Les Way