WL WB Ror ee AIIOr nk COltcer DOUGLAS co LEGE LIBRARY THE FORMAT... includes talks with group purticis-tidn (by thdFvidual counselling responses io the Clieni-Yeucher) 1 learning experience in small groups. ALL MERMPERS.... work together cs a community of learners, assisting the staff in unfolding maiericis through their undarstanding responses, and assisiing on2 aaother to comprehend and creatively apply these to their own field cf oparation. THE CONTRACT... The presentation of cognitive material will be coupled with involveient by porticipants. In this way theory and practice will be exisientially interwoven. It is suggested that participants might engace themselves by actively responding to the CLIENT-" TEACHER. The purpose in the small groups will consist of : gathering the materials p: 2sented, followed by personal creative applicaiion and integration according to one's choice. THE STAPF... Frederick R. I Neilson, B.A., University of Toronto; M.A., Columbia University, New Yerk; aad numerce. e- vunsalling courses at the University of Leval, Quebec, and '--ola University, Chicayo. Several hundred people have participated in sirailar seminars in xe e 2 -t - Accomodation:1)Motvels a. Harrison €$6-)10 doubles 2) Tent 3) Floor epace at S & D, sleeping bas required Many who come enjoy a relaxing swim in the Harrison Hot Springs Pool . It you are interested bring a swimsuit and towel. / Harrison hus about the sume climate as Vancouver so bring warm clothes. TRANSPORTATION: Altvhoush the tra ansportution out to Harrison is left to individual penpunsielidty. you may wish riders if you have a car, or may wish to find a ride with someone whe has a car PLACE: Harrison Hot Springs - Sword and Dove located two miles along ~~ the lake road (east) past the Thunderbird estates (1/4 mile) from the Harrison Hot Springs “public Pool. L: 60 TIMES 3:00 P. fl. - 11:00 P. M. Friday 9:00 A.M.- eM. Saturday. elendance is required from the outset since repetition of materials would interrupt the lear ning process for others in attendance. COS™: Repistratiun Fee: ye 309 cr 3 Early Registration Fee: 415:00 nerors MeveMBER. 3. Meals are not included. Kitchen facilities yever are available for your usu. 2 PHON Eis 2) ere ses ieiere sere ARE renevens eile 6 ae eeexes as on er Ses a eS. Seer os oceans AD URES iene eile ene tee: serene a6 a ee lee see lere es oleh: SLAIAe WleKeele ela e else wleLe le eH eS ee OCCUPATTON... 0000 ssc0- semiecchnase WEE BNOWOSUr wcmie mare naues aa a2 eee ecco es MATL: a ALD DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP, +09 Carsier St., Ta ancouver, B. C., Canara.