The Other Press November 12 ouglas grads of | Congratulations from the Other Press photo by Paul Sum Last Thursday night in the Vincent Massey auditorium the Douglas College fall graduation turned out to be a success with 140 students out of 204 showing up to receive the awards. The ceremoney started off with a speech from Douglas College president Bill Day. In his speech, Day gave a short history of Douglas College and also criticized the provincial government strongly for moving to re- duce provincial autonomy. Day also commented on the nursing program at Douglas, saying ‘‘D.C. has turned out many well train- ed nurses. Today many are employed at large hospitals ; throughout the Lower Main- land such as the Royal Columbian, St. Pauls and Shaugnessey. ; Looking back at the nurs- ing exams of the past, the D.C. nurses scored very well in comparison to the rest of the province.’’ Gea paring “Blue” comes from the Canadian shareholders F graduates were in the aud- Labatt’s Blue label. But and 10,000.Canadian lence. ee ; “Canada” is the part we're employees. What's more erent ight aogiee of especially proud of. We've _ . we're Canada’s Pometicd Pat Lahihody, been here since 1828. Today we're a favourite beer. We etaduatl: Bute. They wholly Canadian-owned and Canada Blue. It’s aname (the instructors). are very operated company with 11,000 we're proud to share. : helpful and have done an amiable job in preparing a Sia & You have to give up a heck of a lot of hours of 4 ' | studying, but in the end you realize it’s worth it.” WHEN CANADA GETS TOGETHER OVER A BEER. | bass a ) 8