_ Ist Year Sciences cot Incl. Major & pre-entry GROUP ADVISING SESSIONS ‘ | June 10 - 14, 1985 in : ‘Mad Hatter Page 6 All sessions start E promptly, at times advertised and are approximately 1% - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free, pre- registration is not required. requirements | Chairside Dental Assistant A.B Re 7 Grade 2 Completion or quivalency, Tech. Fundamentals 2° ching Ed... (Elementary & Secondary) Nel. BOP Rw G: Be. ee Nursing RN, RPN, LTCA, ACCESS 1 & 2 ‘Emergency & Occupational Health ‘Social Services ccc, CSSW, ECE, TRT, MR Worker, Homemaker [st Year Arts - U.T. te 1c Major requirements & Be Social Work “Theatre (Career & University veasnan meen rye Hand Heh pe in Monday, June 10th 10:00 am 2 2802 i may Linda ‘Monday, June loth . 2:00 pm a S25) a. sy Lorraine F Tuesday, June llth 8:30 am fog ‘2e08 0 0 es Lorraine 00 am ¢ ae Ria Linda. Tuesday, June ith ; 2:00 pm ; sa ; 2804 en oe Muriel Wednesday, June “12th 10:00 am ; 2804 ine Muriel a ergag Thursday, June 13th 5:00 pm 2710 LE Lorraine : Friday, June uth | 10:00 am_ oe 3825 / rr I Linda ,