DOUGLAS COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND PLANNING COMMITTEE FUNCTIONS - GENERAL Senton educational policy recommending body to Douglas College Boand. FUNCTIONS - SPECIFIC 1, Reeommends cwvrtculum, dnstruction, student services, and admissions pokicies to Douglas College Board. 2. Interprets curriculum, instruction, student services, and admissions policies as requested by Divisional Curriculum & Planning Committee and Management Committee. 3. Provides commentary and advice to the College Board and the Management Committee with regard to educational and financial plans, 4, Reviews Divisional policies from time to time for consistency with College policies and philosophy, and as necessary, Aequines change in onder to ensure coherence and consistency througheut the College. 5. Provides advice and direction that are requested of it from time to time by the College Board, the Management Committee of the Colktege, and Divisconal CurricuLun 6 Panning Committees, providing such requests ane within the Committee's technical and jurisdictional competence. 6. Matntains, through its staffs officer, an organized file of Cokleae-wide and Divisional policy docwnents. ACCESSIBILITY TO THE EDUCATIONAL POLICY & PLANNING COMMITTEE Access to the Educational Policy & Planning Committee shake be via motion of a Divisional Curriculum & Planning Committee, the Colkege Management Committee, Educational Policy & Planning Committee members, on the College President. STAFF Staff services shakl be provided to the Committee by the President, and through the President, the College Administration. RESPONSIBILITIES OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Members of the Committee ane required to exercise individual judgment on the basis of the Douglas Coklege philosophy, and on behalf of the people to whom the College provides service. Members of the Committee are responsible, through the President, to the Douglas College Board. ENDORSED BY EDUCATIONAL POLICY AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MARCH 17, 1982.