Advertisement The Counseling Department of Douglas College, New West. Campus will begin a series of Rap Sessions for Students at Douglas. The objective is 3 Dimensional 1. Enable students to "air" significant topics. 2. To enjoy stimulating discussion. 3, To examine ones own feelings and views. Each session will be "kicked off" by a brief (5 - 10 min.) presentation by a "key person" who will encourage dialogue. The following sessions have been arranged and subsequent ones are open to suggestions. CO-ED ICE HOCKEY Open to Faculty, Staff and Students Practise; Saturday October 11, 1975. Time: 7:30-9:00 p.m. Place: Queens Park Arcna Fees; $10.00 for ice rental You must have your own equipmentititt CO-ED FLAG FOOTBALL Open to Faculty, Staff and Students Sign up on Richmond Campus with Alan Sm'th (on Campus or phone 946-9792). OR New Westminster Campus at the Athletics Department with Judy Goudy. ***QTTENTION** * coM: ONE COME ALL New Westminster Douglas Calpus offers an Intra-Ifural Program. Featuring: Volleyball, Badmonton, Croquette, Horseshoes and Lawndarts. For times see schedule posted outside of Athletics Department. I ; Ves ha ere