February 6, 1996 : now recognized. By offering two voting position to the students of Dear Other Press: DOUGLAS COLLEGE the mix is now complete. since 1994, I have been reading your newspaper since I came to this PQUGLAS COLLEGE has two student representatives on the — school last semester and I have just notices something of interest.I gard. I believe this action marks a tremendous opportunity for have never read a single good review of a movie in your paper. improved communication from and to the board. I look forward to Granted, there have been some review that I agreed with but this continuing to serve in this important role. one really boils my eggs! The board is also excited about the new PINE TREE WAS In the last issue (Jan.23- Feb.6) there was a review of campus in Coquitlam, which is expected to open September ‘96. “From Dusk Til Dawn”. I loved this movie and have a few things J] board members offer a great deal of experience and time to to say to the author of the review. what Darin Clisby does not seem create a better educational experience for all personas proceeding to realize that it was not meant as a serious movie! to advance their education at DOUGLAS COLLEGE. There was recently an Interview with Quentin Tarantino in Thank you in advance for your support. the December issue of Bikini magazine in which he said “It’s a Yours very truly, kind of parody of the old horror flick, Bemayes genre... Horror Lori Sheppard buffs are going to love it but anyone else isn’t going to get it.” If F you take this movie seriously, obviously you will hate it. That is Renee, The Noble Guide Dog like looking for intelligence in one of the “Airplane? DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD OF movies...pointless. GOVERNORS Also when you say “Don’t write another movie script in your lifeyestay off the screen and keep putting out excellent direction for our movie pleasure.” may I point out that Quentin has written some of the most brilliant screenplays of the last decade (ie. “pulp fiction”- which he won an Oscar for, “Reservoir dogs”, “True Romance” and “Natural Born Killers”) And yes, the doorman’s ‘pussy’ introduction is a little sickening, but I seem to recall Mr. Brown’s theory as to what the song “Like A Virgin” was about in “Reservoir Dogs”, no easier to listen to. This is Question’s style. Perhaps Quentin Tarantino is too hard for you ...try Disney instead. - A loyal Quentin buff. Dear Students, My name is Lori Shppard, and I have been looking forward to doing my first communication to you via The Other Press and the Disabled Students News letter. The past few months of orientation and events as well as my first official graduate ceremony have been informative, challenging and exciting. Through numerous board meetings and event participation I am getting to know the other board members. I am particularly impressed with their knowledge and their overall professionalism, and their dedication to fulfilling the college’s mission statement to you. In addition, I have come to better appreciate the tremendous amount of work turned in by all groups represented around THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD table including representatives from the unions, faculty and support staff, and of course Katrina Lennax from our Douglas College Student Society. The role of the © student at the college board level can not be overemphasized to its importance in making DOUGLAS COLLEGE remain as a role model for many other community colleges. The greatest part of my early experience has been to connect with more students while they continue to further their education. Many students share their ideas and concerns they may have, and their decision process for selecting this college and much more. communication is such as this is a reminder to me, that DOUGLAS COLLEGE has performed well in the past we need to continue with the future. _ In my role on the DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD I am committed to the student. There are many new changes happening within DOUGLAS COLLEGE now and in the future. One of those changes is that student representation at the college board level is DO YOU WISH TO OBTAIN PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS IN CANADA ? WILLIE-SAM IMMIGRATION AND BUSINESS CONSULTING SERVICES IS HERE TO HELP YOU ARE YOU AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IN CANADA ? ARE STUDYING IN A COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OR PRIVATE INSTITUTION ? DO YOU SPEAK (OR ARE YOU LEARNING) ENGLISH AND/OR FRENCH ? IF YOU ANSWERED ‘YES' TO ANY ONE OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS, WILLIE-SAM IMMIGRATION AND BUSINESS CONSULTING CAN HELP YOU OBTAIN PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS. CONTACT US TODAY FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND YOUR FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION. YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: SAMMY BONSU PHONE: (604) 294-2704 FAX : (604)-291-4920 READ ABOUT US OR WRITE TO US ON THE INTERNET: http://www.lumonix.com/willie-sam. WILLIE-SAM...HELPING YOU OBTAIN PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS IN CANADA. CALL US TODAY : 294 - 2704.