If recent earthquakes in northern Califor- nia have left you shaking, why not put your mind at ease by learning safety tips for before, during and after a quake. While seismology experts insist that the California earthquakes do not indicate one will follow in our area, there is al- ways the potential for a quake in B.C. Earthquake information is right at your fingertips - try the B.C. Telephone direc- tory (page 27) or call for information on earthquake preparedness (in Vancouver, 660-3723). For less earth-shattering news, read on... Walk on the wet side... Archaeology student John Niedzielski made an interesting discovery while walking along the banks of the Fraser River. Niedzielski found a wood and bark artifact (unusually well preserved in the wet intertidal zone), which may be up to 1500 years old! The piece was cleaned and packaged at SFU before going to Victoria for study. The Library’s Susan Ashcroft is the April winner of the Douglas Col- lege Foundation 60/40 Lottery. Susan took home $224.40. Past winners, from September to March, are: Norma Vallentgoed ($68.40); Evelyn Terrada ($158.40); Jean Cockburn (199.20); Martha Kellman ($210); Barb Sekhon ($218.40); Susan McCaslin ($218.40); Mark Crozet ($218.40). Cail Alana Frymire at 5322 to sign up for next month. oa “Pre” Speaking of digging up the past... Douglas, Capilano and Langara Colleges are teaming up for an eight-week ar- chaeological field school at Fort Langley National Park this May and June. Guests to the park are welcome to view the site (on weekdays) and see what the students come up with. Hats off... To Rose Marie Fournier, CP & S Health Programmer, honoured by members of the health care community and presented with an award at the last College Board meeting for her work on the Food Safe Program. Congratulations also to Health Programming Assistant Judy Larson for helping Rose Marie with the program. In celebration... Another CP & S Programmer, Rita Chud- novsky, was recognized for her work as the child care advocate for the City of Van- couver at a fundraising dinner held on April 15. Family, friends, colleagues and politicians were in attendance. Spreading the word... Gillies Malnarich, DVST Instructor, has been asked to participate in a conference entitled Adult Literacy: An International Urban Perspective at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on August 3-6. The conference, which is co-spon- sored by the City University of New York, the Literacy Assistance Centre in New York City and UNESCO will bring together international literacy experts for an exchange of ideas in the field of adult literacy policy and practice in urban areas. New kid in town... Belated Baby Wishes to Commerce and Business Administration Instructor Barb Allen and husband Neil, whose baby girl Zoe Drina was born on February 27. Last but not least... Jeff “give me that red pen” McDonald, PIO Writer and editor of the INside, is leaving for Bolivia on May 7 to do development work with Canadian Crossroads International. Jeff will return to the College on October 13. Adios, amigo, and good luck! President’s Report highlights - cont'd issues, and the long-term impacts of present resource allocation patterns among and within Colleges and Institutes. Under severely restricted Federal funding, we have been able to fund four Challenge 92 projects, employing seven people. Two students will work with Alan McMillan on an ar- chaeology project, three students will be research assistants with Val Shaefer on the Urban Ravine Project, one student will work with Kevin Aldridge to set up future shows, and with Melody Hessing for the Amelia Douglas Gallery to inventory the College’s art holdings. One student will work as a researcher/bibliographer in developing a course on the sociology of environment issues. On April 9, the Executives of the DCFA, our BCGEU local and the senior administration met to discuss multi-year funding, and its implications for the future. It was a most produc- tive and enjoyable meeting. We have all agreed that we will obtain further information on the topic, share it, and meet again in June to pursue the matter. William L. Day, President