INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 17, 1990 Accusations of child abuse in preschool — forum planned he number of allegations of child abuse against preschool teachers is on the rise — creating fear, frustration and confusion among caregivers and patients, ac- cording to Susan Harney, an Early Childhood Education instructor at Douglas College. A forum at Douglas College on April 24 will set the stage for discussion and information ex- change on issues regarding sex abuse and early childhood educa- tion. The forum, called When the Unthinkable Happens — Accusations of Child Abuse in Preschool, will bring together a panel of experts and an audience made up of people connected with early childhood care. "We're responding to a need in the field," says Harney, referring to the increased number of allega- tions. "When in this situation, caregivers often don’t know what to do. They’re frightened and con- fused." Although they might have a handbook that covers procedures when an allegation happens, they may still feel devastated and con- fused. "When it’s somebody’s reputation on the line, it’s really frightening,” she says. Harney, who will moderate the forum, says the panel of ex- perts will include representatives from the Ministry of Health, Minis- try of Social Services and Housing, the attorney-general’s department and the police. There will also be a representative from the profes- sional organization, Early Child- hood Educators of B.C. The audience, she says, will in- clude caregivers, parents, ad- ministrators in the field of early childhood education, licensing of- ficers and social workers. Each panel member will give a five- minute talk, and the remainder of the three-hour forum will be open to questions and general discus- sion. Topics to be discussed include normal sexual behavior and pre- schoolers, and increased sen- sitivity to parental concerns. Other key issues under examination will be policies and procedures regard- ing disclosure and abuse allega- tions, and repercussions of unsubstaritiated allegations to caregivers and centres. The forum, Harney says, aims “to prepare the caregivers in case the unthinkable happens." She urges caregivers and others involved in early childhood care to attend. "It’s important be- cause it’s a dialogue happening in a non-threatening situation. They need to be talking about these things before it happens." The forurn will also provide a learning opportunity for the ex- perts. "To my mind, it’s one of the first times when we’ve brought together the three ministries, police, the: professional organiza- tion and an audience to sit down and hash this thing through. I think the: people on the panel are going to learn just as much as the people in the audience," Harney says. Harney teaches courses at Douglas College. She is also an ad- ministrator at a child care centre and is just finishing a term as presi- dent of Early Childhood Educators of B.C. The forum When the Unthink- able Happens — Aiccusations of Child Abuse in Preschool, will be held Tuesday, April 24, 7 to 10 p.m. at Douglas College in New West- minster. To register call 527-5472. @ Introduction to computers (CIS 110-N90) for staff, faculty and administrators Once again, a special section of CIS 110 - Introduction to Com- puters is being offered for ad- ministrators, faculty and staff. The course is scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1600 to 1900, commencing on May 8, 1990 and ending on June 26, 1990. The lecture portion of the course will take place in Room 4312 and labs are scheduled in Room 4333. Space is limited and this course may not be offered specifically for employees during the Fall 1990 semester. Registration will occur during the regular credit registration process May 7th. Those who do not have ac- cess to an IBM-PC compatible computer at home will be provided with one by the Col- lege for the duration of the course. BCGEU staff interested in taking the course should familiarize themselves with Ar- ticle 21.06 of the Collective Agreement. Please contact Marian Ex- mann in the Personnel Office (local 5338) for further details. @