The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Seventh Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education June 21-24, 1987 e Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario . s . . Guest Presentations by Don Finkel e is ions and Dorothy Smith e 3M Fellows Report The Conference on Teaching and Learning e Maximizing Teaching - Learning by Focus on provides faculty, educational researchers, Learning Styles administrators, and instructional developers with a * Research on Innovative Teaching Practice forum in which to discuss ways to improve e Absenteeism: A Survival Technique teaching and learning in post-secondary education. e The Historical Vignette and Its Role in Medical Education Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Business Education Guest Presentations The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher e Teaching Theory and Theorized Teaching Education is pleased that Don Finkel and e Self-Directed Learning Dorothy Smith will be contributing to this e The Difference Women Teachers Make Conference. e Issues around Gender in the Classroom e Male-Female Relating Dorothy Smith will speak Monday morning. The e Preparing Graduate Students for a Career in title of her talk is: Feminism Versus the Academy. Teaching Dr, Smith is Professor of Sociology in the e Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in North Department of Sociology in Education at the America Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and the e Student Evaluation of Teaching University of Toronto. She has published widely e Peer Evaluation of Teaching on theory and methodology in the social sciences, ¢ Teaching Ethics and Transmitting Values in the particularly on feminist epistemology. Her book, Modern University The Everyday World as Problematic; A Feminist e Issues in Adult Education and Continuing Sociology, will be forthcoming in the Fall of 1987. Education *® Faculty Development Networking: Sharing Innovative Pratices e Work-Study Programs in the Liberal Arts e Computer Assisted Learning Don Finkel will speak Tuesday morning. His topic will be: Power Versus Authority in the College Classroom. Dr. Finkel is the author of Contexts for Learning: A Guide to the Design of : Educational Experience. He is co-founder and former Fe ee evening, 0GE director of the Evergreen Summer Institute for i i College Teachers and he teaches at Evergreen Oo : : . ; z n Monday and Tuesday mornings there will be a State College in Olympia, Washington. plenary, session followed by concurrent sessions. On Wednesday morning there will be workshops, followed by a conference evaluation. ‘ The seventh conference will follow the tradition imulati rkshops is 7 ; ‘and of stressing interactive sessions,such as panel an round table discussions, workshops, and seminars. e Mentoring e Teaching Lyric Poetry The Conference is sponsored by The Society for e On Explaining - . ; . Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and e Strategic Planning: Decision-making and Risk Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. Taking e Starpower- A Simulation _ For registration information call (6/3) 545-2540 * Writing and Teaching Writing or write to: e Learning Partners: Encouraging Independent The Society of Teaching and Learning in Learning - . Higher Education ® "Shrew" or "Rule of Thumb" - A Play clo Health Sciences Of fice of Education e Peer Consultation Workshop Botterell Hall * Teaching Values Through Roleplay i . Queen's University Kingston, Ontario e The Learning Trail: Personal Interaction with K7L3N6 the Environment Registration Forms may be obtained from Gerry DellaMattia.