DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES ognize that the answers must lie in social responses that suit the | toration of services and structures { iF that have existed to this point. | New policies and new programs are | required. We must all argue and / explore what these might be. We cannot refute our respons ility as individuals and as governments to act with social conscience. In sum, strategies must be taken on several fronts. One is to seek dia— logue with those in the new right governments while recognizing that) little can be expected in response from some of the more intrasigent members of these governments. The {other is to build strong networks a coalitions of interests across the | social | spectrum in support of en— | lightened social policies, and in thi process build a political reality | that government cannot ignore. We are at a cross-roads. One route wards an individualist society without social responsibility, a | world of random winners and losers. | The only other route is that of col-| | laboration, where we deliberately | share the risks and the benefits, a | society where self- -help and mutual |help are in ‘partnership rather than confrontation. ‘August 4, 1984 ‘Michael Clague taneous Tobin, The Parewell State: ) Privatization and the Public Trust, paper presented to a conference CE |the Canadian Council on Social Dev- | | elopment — and the Social Planning and Review Council of B.c. June 1, 1984. Available from SPARC. [citizens we must be prepared ‘to rec-| times and not simply call for a res-} | Hoplications are now available for | employment program. — | £Lollows: ‘a |: | Students hired for these projects {will have to have completed third jyear university or above. jare available in the Student Finance |Office. \Purchasing Department and Physical the B.C Heritage Trust summer Types of pro- jects that will be considered are as - Planning studies to assist in the | development of a program to con- served the heritage resourcesof a community. Historic building or archaeological inventory. Architectural assistance on community restoration projects. I se: Archival research. Applications and further ingormekion The Right Number For a Purchasing Department request | please phone the following personnel:| 4751 4721 © Devona Davies Jean Easton Plant are located in room 4720. If staff are away from their desk both departments will take mess for each other. ages