O000h @ 000 tlag te ee“ (tre tee cnt, % One of his most interesting contributors was a student who wanted to cover the school’s hockey team. The catch was that this student was on the hockey team and wanted to write the articles incognito. He was an enthusiastic fan of the third line left winger because he was the third line left winger. together is something | am still proud of.” He detailed how he and the team would assemble the paper without the use of computers—which was much cruder than how it is done today. He said that they would section out each area of the paper to figure out how much space they needed that would allow them to put in their articles while also leaving enough room for ads. He told me that if a picture did not work or an article was too long, they would resolve the problem with X-ACTO knives. “We would spend four to twelve hours making the paper fit into the various pages we had,” he said. When | asked him how he feels about The Plant being online only now, he simply chalked it up to a “sign of the times.” Seeing as my dad has such a flair for writing, | always found it odd that he never continued with his writing in any major capacity. He clearly enjoyed it, and even today still reads the physical paper that is delivered to our doorstep every day. While my dad's current contributions to the writing world mostly consist of the “dad joke of the day” variety, | hope that one day he considers looking into ways he can write again. My goal of writing this article was not just to profile my father’s work at his college paper, but to showcase how much fun it can be to write for a college paper. In the year plus since | joined the paper, | have made content that | am proud of, but also some great friendships. For anyone out there who 000644 09520 Wa a ns [as on te _ te . a sae pean “ges “2 {inne - % %& & ey is reading this, wondering if they should contact the paper about contributing—but worried about putting themselves out there—| can tell you that | felt this way too, but challenging that fear and getting my first article in the paper was one of my best moments. | can only hope that others can enjoy the same pride and satisfaction that | feel writing for my college paper. strations by CJ Sommerfeld