ors, or business owners, include: - The Canadian Woman, how she has changed our business - Overcoming stereo-typed images and how to prove that a woman can do the job - How to supervise men and other women - Making the right decision when responsi- bility lies with you - How to talk so other listen To register, call Community Programs & Ser- vices at 520-5472. HOW TO STAY AWAKE AT THE OPERA THIS YEAR Don't go thinking Rossini is a type of Pasta! Instead, recognize the composers, know the stories, recite the liberettos, hum the arias, and direct the overtures. This course gives a general overview of opera with in-depth explorations of the four op- eras to be produced by the V.0.A. Mandatory for both neophyte and veteran op- era-goers! First session: Verdi's Nabucco. The cost is $10 for the Saturday, October 15 course, which will be held in Room 3221 from 0900 to 1230 hours. To register, call Community Programs & Ser- vices at 520-5472. POETRY READING Dale Zieroth will hold a public poetry read- ing October 20 at 1600 hours in Room 3820. The reading is sponsored by the Canada Coun- cil and everyone is welcome. Last year, Dale had a volume of poems pub- lished entitled "Mid-river". Some of his poems were published in the recent "Oxford Book of Canadian Verse" edited by Margaret Atwood. He teaches creative writing at Douglas and Kwantlen Colleges, as well as instructing in the summer writing program of the Banff Fine Arts Program, MAD HATTER PAGE 6 THE NEW WESTMINSTER CANADIAN CLUB The New Westminster Canadian Club will be holding its next dinner meeting on Wednes- | day, October 19 at 1830 hours in the Royal Towers Hotel. The topic for the evening is "World Herit- age Sites". The speaker for the evening is Peter Bennett, Special Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister of Parks for | Canada on the UNESCO World Heritage Con- vention. There will also be a slide pres- entation. Tickets for this dinner meeting are $12. If you are interested in attending, please contact Gena Ballantyne at local 4910, by October 17. UBC COUNSELLING TEAM Douglas College welcomes the following ser- vice and counselling teams to our premises, We look forward to the upcoming year in making this special project operational. The U.B.C. Counselling Service will be op- erating at Douglas College as an adjunct to the Counselling Department. This spec- jal counselling team will be working Thursdays from September to April. Con- tact person at the college is Barb Mowat. The team members are as follows: Dr. Norm, Amundson - supervisor, Barbara Marak, Bar- bara Slayter, Pam Biela, Marianne Zezelic, Donna Barreca and Susan Rungta. Referrals for Individual Counselling and Workshops should be channelled to Barb Mowat. Thank You Barb Mowat CLASSROOM CONFIGURATION ATTENTION ALL FACULTY* Please co-operate with your associates in maintaining standard student stations in