STUDENT 70s ee FROM: Ken ea Adieougeas 4 eee ne munbers 3 aa MOBILE CONFERENCE ON - MOBILE TEACHING Seneca College's M.I.L.E. (Mobile Inten- sive Learning Experience) Program and the Canadtan Studtes Project of the Assoctation of Canadtan Communtty Colleges, are co-operating to sponsor a Mobile Conference on Mobile Teaching. Betng part of a travel/study program destgned spectfically for college faculty and administrators, it ts hoped that all aspects of this teaching mode wtll not only be talked about, but experienced. The theme of the conference tn "Unknown Ontario". If you are keen to learn about teaching or administering travel/ study programs and your medical form tllustrates that you are medically fit, then you're tn the running. The prime mode of transportation will be /5-seater window vans. We will, however, use canoes for two days, a houseboat for two days and a short jaunt on bieyeles in Ottawa. On Lake Erte we will spend time , on etther a fishing trawler or a gill netter. Cost: All costs tnelude accommodatton, food, transportation and entrance fees. The cost ts based on a start and finish tn Toronto. $975.00 full program: May 20 to June 6 $290.00 Admintstrators Portton*: June 2 to June 6 *the administrators sectton of the con- ference will start in Ottawa and end in Toronto. Contact: Gordon McNeil, Director, M.I.L.E. Programs, Seneca College of applied Arts & Technology, 1750 Finch Ave., E., Willowdale, Ont. M2J 2X5. (or contact Pat Kavalee, loc. 285, New Westminster Campus) FOR RENT Galiano log cabin (near beach), sleeps 6, all modern conventences - Apr. 15-dune 30. $300/month, call 731-1838 (eves.) or 682-0466 (days). “fs