The Poetry Page For The Straight Folks Who Don’t mind Ga PIM Ak ea eee Ha ae Peer HC M Ml et SCM eR CUE Mtn aninvitation to caress: Moist parted, SUT TUTTO esa HERTS EOUeM A La URN CMUUNHL UR MCT USS UTS aK HM Treg str (mee | POT TUTTLE era Come Uy NEU MEUAe ose TN Ea am La TUT CUS eC ns TE LT a ia ny PSS RT ed aM Tes TCM Mae MAU EMAL UMMM ERIE DOUCET MMU eee eC ea Lae a a as PoC eae la eM Ue CEU a WCRI Raa Ua TCU GN Pca ESL UE CSSA TUITE EEL ees tL ULC OTM Uc en cr aM Re eae Tet eo STILT mama scot WC iad ai Ocoee eM COMM TUN Mem Ue MLPA a ome cm eer cs ecm eg ee PCM BC e MU mu ona TNs eem Ral mut de te you know some people © Poy) wy of ehh hots Re UChr tells you that she’s pregnant? BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Or this straight couple SiS Cm UMMM MI (2 & you can’t hear the dialogue Cause of the sound effects. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. And the woman in your office Spends your entire lunch hour talking about her new bikini drawers & how much her husband likes them. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Or the “hip” chick in your class, rattling a mile a-minute - while your’re trying to get stoned in the john about the camping trip she took with her musician boyfriend. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. You go in a public bathroom And all over the walls there’s John loves Mary, Janice digs Richard, Pepe loves Delores, etc. etc. BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Or you go to an amusement park & there’s a tunnel of love & pictures of straights DeVoe MH m em TRIE & grinning couples PE UL BUT GAYS SHOULDN'T BE BLATANT. Fact is, blatant heterosexuals are all over the place. Supermarkets, movies, on your job, in church, in books, on television TUR WAUM eaeaaP even in gay bars. & they want gay men & women to go hide in the closets- So to you straight folks i say - Sure, i’ll go if you go too, but i’m polite so - after you. ei eel