_ INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 2, 1990 Acting President’s Report continued from page 13 Our Fall open registration, August 28, 29 and 30, was extreme- ly well organized. Over the course of the three days, approximately 4000 students registered in open- enrollment programs. Students in closed programs (approximately 2300) registered by program, prior to August 28. From September 4 to 14, an additional 450 students registered, either for Weekend Col- lege or as late registrants. On September 12,a College As- sembly — well attended by facul- ty, staff, administration and Board members — was held to announce several organizational changes, to review the priorities of each of the Divisions for the year, and to wel- come back Dr. Gerry Della Mattia who has returned to the College after spending two years working in the United Arab Emirates. On September 12, $32,725 was received from the Ministry of Ad- vanced Education, Training and Technology, in support of the “Literacy 2000“conference being held at Douglas College in Oc- tober. This grant matches the sum previously received from the Na- tional Literacy Secretariat of the Secretary of State. On September 13, Mr. Klassen, as Sir James Douglas, was on hand to greet Simon Fraser as he passed by the New Westminster Quay. Sir Jame’s presence, in honour of Simon Fraser University’s 25th An- niversary Celebration, was or- ganized by Jacqueline Gresko, the Chair of Arts and Humanities. The Douglas College internal United Way Campaign is now un- derway, under the direction of John McKendry and Mark Crozet. This year’s campaign, using the theme of participation”, should raise at least $10,000. @ I'd like to volunteer my time for Open House ’90 November 16 and 17 Name: Local: Departments or disciplines within the college that I’m most interested in: (i.e. psychology, theatre, etc.) When I’m available: Friday, Nov. 16 Oo all day 0 moming O afternoon (9-Sp.m.) (9-1 p.m.) (1-5 p.m.) Saturday, Nov. 17 i) all day O moming CO aftemoon Drop off this form at the Public Information Office, Room 4840 or call Claudette Laberge at 527-5493 for more information. 14 =