MAD HATTER PAGE 4 CAPITAL BUDGET (Cont. ): Your "bible" for spending your capital dollars is the "yellow book", the January 27, 1982 expenditure proposal which was submitted to the Ministry of Education, and on the basis of which Treasury Board will allocate © funds. As you work with your Adminis- trators of Reference, please establish your priorities, and send your requests via memorandum to Terry Leonard, who will be responsible for issuing purchase orders. If for any reason there is a deviation from the approved items in the "yellow book", such deviations must be approved by the Furnishings & Equipment Sub- Committee before any request: is made to Purchasing to initiate orders. Such requests for deviation should be addressed to my office, and will be considered as quickly as possible. If you have any questions, please let me know. Bill Day, Chairman, Furnishings & Equipment Sub-Committee. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE: A 12 month position, starting September 1982 in Rangoon, is open in the Voc- ational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons field. The title of the post: Vocational Rehabilitation Expert - (Post 01). General Information: The Expert will assist the Government of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma and, in particular, the Department of Social Welfare, Ministry of Social Welfare, in the development of facilities, programmes and services for the vocational rehabilitation and social reintegration of all categories of disabled persons. Description of duties: In particular, the Expert will be required: (a) to review existing skill-training courses at the Thamaing Training Centre (car- pentry, tailoring, radio mechanics, printing and bookbinding) and determine how they can be upgraded; (b) to identify new skill-training programmes; (c) to prepare detailed equipment lists; (d) to identify staff- training needs and schedule fellow- ship training; (e) to introduce appropriate methodology for vocational evaluation; (f) to prepare a list of staff requirements (administrative, instructional and support) for the enlarged use of the Centre; (g) to. establish procedures for employment referrals and for follow-up and to train placement staff; (h) to advise on improving the administrative procedures at the Centre, including referral intake, progress reports, etc. and to advise on case conference pro- cedures; (i) to advise on legislation concerning disabled persons; (j) to co- operate with the simultaneous WHO pro- gramme on community-based disability prevention and rehabilitation, with a view to including a vocational re- habilitation component within this programme; (k) to assist in designing appropriate vocational rehabilitation programmes for the new Centre planned for Mandalay Taundgyi and Tenasserim; (1) to assist in the preparation of training programme procedures, syllabi, training aids and manuals for approxi- mately eight new trades.