TO: Faculty and Staff FROM: Campus Administrator - Surrey SUBJECT: Mail for following personnel - Surrey Campus R. Johnson (Ron) Ener. Sc. R. Johnson (Roberta) Library M. Smith (Marilyn) Dean of Student Services M. Smith (Maureen) Health Services Please use full name or department. PHONE BOOK AMENDMENTS effective 20 March 1978 Instructional Resource Centre: Name Phone . Room Clarke, Bruce 272 413E Glass, Liz 255 4130 James, Glen 253 413F _ Lewis, Nicholas 254 413G MacAdam, Andrew 242 413H Silcock, Marlene 255 413R Steeves, Judie 283 413Q Wheeler, Anne 249 413P FOR SALE Stove - 'Viking'' electric - harvest gold - two years old - excellent condition - asking $225.00 Refrigerator - ''Bradford" - harvest gold - two years old - excellent condition - asking $175.00 Portable Washer/Spin Dryer - "'Moffat'' - harvest gold - two years old - asking $125.00 PLEASE CALL 588-7501 after 4:00 P.M. On the outside... Le frangais en famille ts a unique opportunity for families to combine a holiday in Toronto with intensive French Language study. Emphasizing the develop- ment and refinement of conversational skills, courses are offered at three levels: beginning, intermediate, and advanced. A placement test will be administered. The mornings are devoted to elassroom work. The afternoons will be spent in a variety of small-group activities, conducted entirely in French, and designed to increase the student's ability to function in French tn everyday situations. Evening and weekend activittes further emphasize the use of French in practical situations. Students will be housed in college restdences. The use of French in the restdences will be encouraged, and families are urged to do homework asstgnments together, and to speak French when they are 'en famille’. Children registering tn the program must be at least etght years old; children under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by at least one parent. Childless couples or tndividuals are welcome to register. The programme fee is $300.00/ person. Familtes registering more than two children will recetve a reduction of $100.00 for the third and each additional child. The programme fee covers the cost of tutitton and accommodation for the three-week period. Students are urged to arrive at the restdences on Sunday, July 2. Thts programne ts made possible, in part, through support from the Dept. of the Secretary of State. For more tnformatton, contact: The School of Continuing Studies, 158 St. George Street, Toronto M5S 2V8. (416)978-2400. 2 &