se PLANNING COUNCIL DISSOLVED SENIOR MANAGEMENT TO FUNCTION IM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: page 2. covered, faculty were becoming justifiably restless with items that ''fell between the chairs" and members found themselves frust- rated at the number of items carried forward on each agenda. As disclosed at the aforementioned Workshop of Principal's Council, part of the problem was one of simple definition of roles and clearly defined areas of responsibility. This became obvious and acute with the announcement of our first major site in New Westminster. Indeed the distinction between "long range planning" and "effective executive management for operations" was shifted from an academic and/or philisophical discussion to a "reality". Whatever the case, the Planning Council no longer exists and subject only to a radical reversal of attitude, the Planning Council is a cold corpse. It is gone - forever, and most of the people present at the Workshop expressed support for the change. In recapitulating, Dr.Wootton stressed three major points: Le Principal's Council was, and shall remain, the internal "governing body" reporting through the principal's office to College Council with individual represent- ation where appropriate. Its membership will remain broad in scope to include stud- ents, staff, faculty, Chairmen and Directors: Principal's Council will continue to have the authority and resources to strike sub committees and to work with the College Assembly, Faculty Association, Student Government, Staff Association and all other "Committees" within the College. 2: The Executive Committee will be charged with very specific managerial tasks and will function as a committee of Principal's Council under clearly defined guidelines and responsibilities. 3. As in the past, all meetings are open to individual audit and to delegations through appropriate notice. However, the pace of executive committee meetings will be controlled by agenda items with priorities established through Principal's Council for items not specifically brought forward by invitation from members of the executive committee.