+ ee i | we | — Innovative Ffrolitics. ez Roger Elmes' recent penetrating analysis of Guebec politics and his implied warning to Canadians has stimulated and aroused mv imagination. I have followed with great interest the creation of the "“ajority llovement" to stem the advancing tide of socialism in this province and would like to offer mv agsistance. I remember that in 1¥66 a convention of the alberta Social Credit Farty rejected a propo- seal to change the name of the party to "Free and Competitive interprise Party." I am convinced that if this dynamic designation had been adopt- ed, Social Credit would be still ruling Canada's o1l1 province. There- fore I suggest its speedy adoption by the Majority Movement. This newly founded "Free and Competitive Enterprise Majority Movement" must ‘ then adopt Bill Bennett as leader since only Social Credit poses an alternative to the socialist hordes. However, even this will not be enough to save Vanada: a provincial government does not possess suf- ficient authority to prevent social change. Thus power must be won in the federal field. At the same time I am keenly aware of rremier Barrett's increased national stature as a result of his meeting with Wr. Levescue. To counteract this, Bill Bennett must do something similan Therefore I propose that he travel to Quebec at once and contact the leader of the Rhinoceros Party with the object of creating a great federal anti-socialist party. The best possible namefor this new creatim would be "United Free and’Competitive Enterprise Rhinoceros Majority Movement of Canada," shortly called UFACERMMOC. For a federal leader I should respectfully suggest the recall of Mr. W.A.C. Bennett from political retirement: a man who was able to dominate British Columbia for twenty years ought to be able to govern Canada for five without any effort. The party emblem might pose some | problem: the more radical supporters would undoubtedly insist on Mr. Bennett riding a rhinoceros - both flashing the famous Bennett smile - while the more moderate elements might be content with Mr. Bennett leaning against or standing on a washing machine, both as a reminder of the leader's present occupation and as a token of his intlexible determination to cleanse Canada from sea to sea of the growing stain o: socialism, I am certain that the United Free and Competitive knter- prise Rhinocerogs ovement of Canada would win an overwhelming victory at the next fedéral election: the Socialists would die of laughter and Canadaspfe ce more, am inviting comments. é x } , ‘ \ 1 - 3 u Ci i ‘4 : ry Or aUuy \ ‘ ba pee eet : George forzes i }