INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 2, 1990 Overseas opportunities available for staff and students taff and students at Douglas College who wish to study or work in an Asian Pacific country can take advantage of a new scholarship program. Advanced Education, Training and Technology Minister Bruce Strachan has created a new pro- gram called the B.C. Asia Pacific Students’ Awards to allow univer- sity, college and technical school students to conduct part of their studies in an Asian post-secondary institution. The awards will also be avail- able to B.C. post-secondary instruc- tors, professors, and professional staff. To be known as the B.C. Asian Pacific Scholars’ Awards, they will provide a professional development opportunity for B.C. educators, who at the same time will contribute their expertise to an overseas institution. “The new pattern of interna- tional trade today means British Columbians must be familiar with the languages, customs, and social and economic needs of the Asia Pacific region,” says Strachan. “Living in a foreign country and working with its citizens are in- valuable ways of enhancing cul- tural understanding.” The new awards programs, with total funding of $500,000 this fiscal year, form part of a coor- dinated effort by the Ministry to strengthen the international aspect of provincial post-secondary BELATED BIRTHDAY GREETINGS... College Registrar Trish Angus celebrated her 40th birthday recently. education. To support such an effort, the B.C. Centre for International Education has been established with offices in downtown Van- couver. The Centre, governed by its own Board of Directors, and operating under a government grant administered by Douglas College, will provide a wide range of services to help educators and administrators in B.C. post-secon- dary institutions develop the province’s international education initiatives. Application forms for the award program are available by calling Jan Gara at local 5006. For more details, see pages 15 and 16. @ Educational Leave The deadline to submit ap- plications for educational leave for 1991-92 is December 1, 1990. Please refer to Article 12 of the Douglas College/ Douglas College Faculty Association Collective Agreement regarding eligibility and other conditions. If you are interested in apply- ing, please contact Al Atkinson’s office and you will be provided with: a) the application form b) “Guidelines for Applicants for Educational Leave” c) “Guidelines for Adjudicating Educational Leave Requests” d) “Educational Leave Reporting Guidelines” e) W.L. Day’s memorandum of September 21, 1990 outlining the College’s objectives (as outlined in the 3-Year Strategic Plan). @