INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / APRIL 17, 1991 Readership Survey =. 4 issues 3 issues . Sports Too much coverage . College news Too much coverage . Professional Development Too much coverage - Human Development Too much coverage . College events Too much coverage . Staff / faculty profiles Too much coverage Feature stories | would like to see more Feature stories. . Arts and entertainment Too much coverage i. Educational news Too much coverage . What is the first thing you look for in the INSIDE? . Over the past two months, I’ve read: 2 issues 1 issue Enough coverage now Enough coverage now Enough coverage now Enough coverage now Enough coverage now Enough coverage now There are enough feature stories now. Enough coverage now Enough coverage now j. What would you like to see more of in the INSIDE? Please take the time to fill out this survey of your views on the INSIDE and return it to the Public Information Office, Room 4840, by May 1, 1991. - How would you rate the AMOUNT of coverage in the INSIDE given to: (circle) Not enough coverage Not enough coverage Not enough coverage Not enough coverage Not enough coverage ‘Not enough coverage | would like to see fewer feature stories. Not enough coverage Not enough coverage a. Not Very Credible b. Not Very Relevant c. Not Very Informative d. Not Very Timely e. Not Good Coverage of events Comments: lien2s 3 ees 1 1 1 1 Www w AHA A NN NH ho Aon un . Please circle a number which best describes how you feel the INSIDE rates on the following: Very Credible Very Relevant Very Informative Very Timely Very Good Coverage of Events