DOUGLAS COLLEGE MEMORANDUM TO: THE MAD HATTER DATE: 87.09.15 FROM: Don McEachern RE: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT T am delighted toa bring to the attentian of the College Community an exciting develepment of national importance in which one of our students, her program faculty (Lorna Kirkham, Sally Nordman and Bob Shebib? and Gladys Loewen have been instrumental. The following letter from the student, Chantal Genereux, toa Lorna Kirkham says it all, very nicely! “Dear Lorna: I want to bring you up-to-date an my community work during the last year. In November of 86, I attended the national Educ ational Association of Disabled Students (tNEADS) conference in Ottawa. Bruce Mesman, another student with disabilities at Douglas along with Gladys Loewen, Co-ordinator af Special Aduit Education at Douglas College, alsa attended the conference. NEADS is a natianal organization which represents all students with disabilities at a post-secondary level of education in Canada. Some of NEADS objectives include: The develocment of a communication system between students with disabilities and/or prefessionals involved in providing special services, being able to use the association as a resource base to access information regarding the status of the disabled student and his/her needs. During the conference, ali delegates were qiven the oppertunity to attend a number of impressive workshaps offered, one af which was presented by cur three Douglas delegates title “THE ART OF CAREER PLANNING." CIncidentaliy, the same workshop was presented by the same people at the Employment of the Disabled Conference held in November af 86 at the Deita Airport Inn).