The So Mad Hatter A Douglas College Newsletter. GLAS COLLEGE LIBRA October: 5, 1981 WiCHIVES Internal News Release TO: OTHER PRESS AND MAD HATTER Severe budget cuts in the operation of the Douglas College Physical Plant will radically reduce the standard of cleanliness and maintenance at all College | sites this year, says President Bill Day. : However, Day said with a little help from the staff, faculty and students, same of the more obvious trash will not become a major problem. "If people can find the time to pick up the empty cups and refuse in the cafeteria, instead of leaving it behind on the tables, that would be a start," said Day. "The maintenance staff is doing an excellent job with the resources they have available," but because of the priority for instruction at Douglas, something had to be cut and that was Physical Plant, Day explained. The full impact of the cuts has not been felt yet, but with the students back on campus, the problem of maintenance is expected to worsen. "It's the little things which are going to count, cleaning up after yourself, making sure the paper towels find their way into garbage containers, that sort of thing," Day said.