3 THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie’ Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 Pot tens: IMPORTANT NOTICE EVENT: GOLD CUP HOCKEY GAME PLACE: QUEEN'S PARK ARENA WHEN: SATURDAY DEC. 18th, 7:30 pm DOUGLAS TOTEM vs. FACULTY-STAFF HOCKEY TEAM ALLSTARS All faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the prided battle for the gold cups. The Douglas Totem hockey team dominating the first half of their Totem Conference season are looking for an easy victory and cannon fodder to warm up for their participation in the Molson Cup Tournament in February. Some courageous faculty and staff have accepted the challenge and are out to. prove that age and experience can rule over youth and brawn. The staff-faculty side however needs assistance. More players are required to form a side of 15. Further- more, coaches, trainers and first aid officers will be appreciated to admin-. ister the players bench. All are en- couraged to come out and support their favourite players. oF A. e en? Sea et Sin poe ah ee ALL FACULTY AND SUPPORT STAFF As you are all well aware this * semester is coming to a close, which means, hopefully, you are all planning your printing requirements for the spring semestert!! Please keep in mind there are now four campuses for the printing department to service and a total of 473 support staff and Faculty members all requiring printing of one sort or another, and unless you plan your printing requirements early there could be 472 people ahead of you! Remember!! It's, first come first served! Yours in a hurry, The Printing Staff CHINA ANYONE ? A trip to the ‘Peoples' Repub- lic of China is being sponsored by the College Faculties Feder- ation. It will by May 6-29, 1977 and be made up of students and faculty. If interested, contact John Patterson or Sabine Mabardi at 521-4851 as soon as possible. FROM: Gerry DellaMattia RE: Committee on Administrative Reorganization Please note that a deadline of December 15th has been set by the Committee for submission of briefs. No briefs will be accepted by the Committee after the deadline. FOR RENT large, 3-bdr or den home. Separate D-R. Newly decorated. Bby-NW area. 2 appliances. No pets. $400/mo. Immediately available. . Call 526-4044. Spring semester tenant needed for eccupancy after Dec. 15, for near- new detached townhouse in Port Coquitlam. 2 bdrms., 5 appliances carpetted,.drapes. $375-$400 ne- gotiable. Call 536-6203.