iat ER | we sit in management meeting of the total Department soctainly Post-Secondary & education should be reasonably represented. Now I would like you to bear in mind that post-secondary education, and we have done this very deliberately, in that with post-secondary education management committee we are really keeping two very important sections of post-secondary represented in that those of you that are acquainted with Dr. Jack Newbury, who is the Assistant Superintendent, and has a very great competence in certain program areas, and myself as the Superintendent, I have hopefully some competence in other program areas. And so both Dr. Newbury and myself will in fact sit on the management committee to ensure that because of the expanse of post-secondary education that we are not going to be heading down one road or the other exclusively, but in fact there shall be proper and due attention paid to the total program area that we expect community colleges will be addressing themselves to. There are eleven positions that I have yet to fill so you know how bankrupt I am as far as being able to provide service out of Post-Secondary. With regard to other relationships within the Department, I-think that the Department basically is broken down into, as you know, at the present time, Operations, which has an Associate Deputy Minister and Operations are headed by Joe Phillipson who is the Associate Deputy Minister, and Programs is the other breakdown, and that is headed by an Associate Deputy Minister, Andy Soles. I think you can appreciate that the expense of the demands upon the Department are much greater than anyone at Malaspina can visualize in that the whole Province really looks on the Victoria offices of the Department as a focal point from which "all good should flow" and it is really very diffi- cult to cause that, because the volume is so heavy and the judgments that have to be made in many cases can't be readily made on a singular basis. In other words, if a request comes in that says we should start a sales and merchandising program at Malaspina, I don't know if you have one, but anyway, we should start one. Okay. Everything appears that yes this is desirable. It will probably arrive on my desk, but depending upon your budget and depending upon the nature of the request, I may have to lean very heavily on the Superintendent of Finance and I may have to in fact represent you that way on the basis of programs...that yes, Post-Secondary has made a judgment in effect that we concur with your submission but now