YZ ee plage a cn ape ans os oe ee of pe ee eee oe an ee ary ans ems Ade ee porearreian TO es a Oh Ow, VIZ AZINE ee Pape ey 1g taps ye et i) Pag ea 14 4A b if Uw De OW 2A POS ) co douglas college (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 ; College and Government Inside INSIDE August ,1989tesue | Officials Address Physical Space Needs at Douglas and Regional Planning for Future Work-Study Program 3 Briefs 3 | Physical Space - Thomas Haney will probably be at Président’s Report 4 Douglas College capacity, the day it opens. Sets BERS A major problem on the Lower Prelimary approvals have also Group Advising Schedule 4 | Mainland, is the lack of space for been received for a major Coquit- Cc new students, even if new operating | lam campus, which should be Dean's List 6 | dollars are provided for teaching coming on line before 1995. It will ‘ and services. In the short term, provide for our foreseeable needs Innovation Abstracts 11 Douglas College is assured of to the year 2000. roughly $3 million dollars of capi- tal, which will be expended during this next academic year. This will create enough space within the Royal Avenue Site, to provide for foreseen growth needs for another 2 to 3 years, Peter Greenwood will host a major presentation on this topic in late August, so that everyone will be fully informed on plans and activities over the next year. Our work in Maple Ridge has been recognized by government. Strong support by the School Dis- trict and the Municipality has resulted in full approval by govern- ment for a joint facility. Preliminary curriculum and space planning is now going on, The Thomas Haney project should be completed by 1992, providing for roughly 500 FTE stu- dents in the Maple Ridge area. Current intentions are to hold on to the Dewdney Trunk site, because continued on page 2 YEARS OF MAKING A DIFFERENCE