INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 22, 1990 TRAINING COMMITTEE Suggestions for additional programs can be directed to Marian Exmann in Personnel and Labour Relations (5338) or to one of the members of the Training Committee listed below: Eugene Hrushowy (Faculty PD Consultant) Yvonne Mostert (Administration - staff) Dave Neilsen (Geography - staff) Carole Nelson (Systems & Computing - staff) Corrie Stuart (Library - staff) Margaret Zucht (Community Programs & Services - staff) PREVIEW OF FALL PROGRAMS Following are examples of programs that are in the works for the Fall 1990 semester: ¢ CPR A for Faculty, Staff and Administrators First Impressions - Customer Service Training Coaching Skills - Giving Motivational and Corrective Feedback (for supervisors/administrators who are responsible for conducting perfor- mance evaluation for employees) ¢ Working Together - How Different Types Communicate and Problem-Solve ¢ Effective Supervision - A Basic Tool Kit * Written Communications - Memos/Letters * Public Speaking ¢ Preparing Effective Presentations s e@ 8 Details will be printed in this column when available. @ Work-Study Projects Each year Douglas College is allocated a Work-Study budget from the Ministry of Advanced Education & Job Training. The Work-Study Program provides part-time employment (5 to 15 hours per week) to full-time students. Students may be employed at Douglas College or off-campus with a non-profit organization. Students must qualify on the basis of financial need. Eligibility is determined by the Student Finance and Placement Office, after the assessment of each student’s Canada Student Loan/B.C. Stu- dent Loan and the information provided on the Work-Study ap- plication form. Students may work between 50 and 150 hours per semester depending upon their assessed need. At this time we would like to ask for project submissions from interested College personnel. We are looking for one-time (non- repeating) projects that will be in addition to the normal on-going activities of the department. The projects should provide students with opportunities to develop career-related skills. Work-Study application forms are available at the Student Placement Office, Room 2710. The deadline to submit Work-Study Project Applications for the Summer Semester is May 14, 1990. The deadline for the Fall Semester is August 15, 1990. @ one