The M D January 8, 1985 ad Hatter ouglas College Newsletter. The students of Douglas College have some heavy hitters going to bat for them to help keep the cost of their education down. The Vancouver Foundation, an organi- zation famous for its philanthropic stance towards worthy causes, has donated $50,000 to the Douglas College Student Trust fund and is guaranteeing future funding if other contributions over the next two years stay at the high level achieved in 1984. The Student Trust fund can be ex- pected to reach a minimum of $310,000 by 1986 if Douglas College can keep pace with the $50,000 per year dona- tion offered by the Vancouver Foundation. "The significance of this $50,000 contribution can not be easily overlooked," says Bill Morfey, the bursar of Douglas College. As the person responsible for the fund he sees the potential to raise up to $500,000 to use as student bursaries, Money collected in the Student Trust will be placed in a capital growth account and the interest collected will be paid out each year to STUDENT TRUST FUND students chosen on the basis of financial need. Douglas College already has a group of students, administrators, faculty and staff members who select stu- dents for the bursaries and scholar- ships from the Student Trust fund. This year over $7,500 was awarded as grants to 19 students from the money received from the Vancouver Foundation. The Douglas College Student Society has even donated over $30,000 into the fund. Douglas College will continue its Plan of looking for private dona- tions from organizations, companies and individuals in the New West- minster, Burnaby, Coquitlam and Maple Ridge areas. Donations will be accepted at Douglas College and individuals should contact Jim Doerr, Chairman of the Douglas College Student Trust fund board of trustees at 520-5400. "This money is just another way of showing the community that Douglas College is at the front edge of keeping education within the reach