: DOUGLAS COLLEGE S4Bkar¥Y 27» 1980 | The ARCHIVES _ 1 NS op Mad Hatter | ce ARCHIVES A Douglas College Newslette r : made. A new coinage may be is 1e history ich Powell es especiilly one with a restored co ithor traces the pattern of of precious metal: OF a new ¢1 (lke the Deutsghmark) nae ments make money: * ” 4 ¢ rend to it. On 2. % ge Tend nk ter Ode Down ee ind that only a perwds 5 Leake HW ean nde yg peal CO erie LENT Which Ls ese ae ee we whe te stime arvasbon teen = sble theer Nee ts su ors and em? thane was divided by 100 te prow the nowveaae tran iy 98x, 11 Measures may be Nevessititted wi the old surreney has become aetu unusable, hike the German Mark 1922 or they May he merely Psychological suMtigange i In either vase, of COURSE. IE ty t the new SUITEMES Tht stops the fivion. The new surreney could debauched as 1 ‘ ‘ seat to tt oe. 00 055 412 Cs pringeewanweifungen d utfchen Reichs , oe | Mark Gold = % Dollar 19 ] OC eee ee oe ——-* ek ae REICMSBANKOIGBATORIUM sututed for the old: or the den ‘a 7 & mation of the old curren ney ma divided by some factor, as the 4, ceased 4,44) vountbatioet Sod } fo: searc act f assiznats prod esses tae luced classic inttati tbr stent attempt to stabilize the an: soe Iways bee eople ask 4 e shoulder? 4% vencrally wei eS “ rthe more 100% French Revolution, amet yet eNcha . i > ! hohdays there 0.2 2 spe We earl v igh! Mth gold standard against the di MRE in 1923 by issuing — toms te stu the old, Wh them is "Yes me who habit whe Sak LSet ollar. Pe the inflation is the will end as B 4 . Hele HWY ys oy Peter LOVernmenut not " t ps buthowdeesth humans ~ snunent »pele AUPE Mbyte ANTS Stoked ham an th ; 1 take the mea : sube rhe : ch on the al OV EEE SUHIES 4 i een with his Syuencys ’ boas the same of epi, sya} ue saath then on the all NETL SETIES OF NG " ’ OWN — Tess. the ve es but that is hardly at AWS NP ans the i : attempted te not atleet enther expect bas Caesar obliges ientins ge shaw, yeeney When you are in yloylee \ ecard’ hes with ware beheour Phe thiten plop y Sp, wy Us, . ¢ ein. k one sound avert WE THE episode ORMOW dst LeInpMEnt Coane gy ln the ls ” Many 4 Sent, Plate, . I n which, by the way . srren con! sewers hatter the war aid eral eval as the iil Pane! many i tutte , , ; peristent depreenition of nd 6 ee al deserthe> ag ven though the guts the ground tom at 6 Map pitting en es em tim, ia { ae sre " swe gt ’ ees i is. stretly speaking. a yee now Ww pred Md not apply iy we pu se ae in Mamag immed py oe Woaccepted and: eflective tw wot Voxel: rent the pre tha s words. “he thy it Dae y u oe DApeL MONEY Wartes CHENeEh Wages L cy yovernments. and gannet Sy Moase cay Do Walt iy i hei absence. While people vile M te pesuzetsS indetined the Paar with tales” Phas fay, i _— bars of gold or cownes as aya Ste wale SEY ont money SoOntintiads. begatise dit is ask medi ot es etoatter the and seamen or hater tle om ; 1 deterred exchange (store mehime whith cated amd Neg, ' sig y wae , 2 ee money GEN Upprecnile or z Raw é rreembunk HOTEL LON CENT Mes, ff as : teil ats thats oy 4 pas the supply of gokt or veireulation fluctuates. They sment and has seme ot the istic comsequenges of the sbout which we are talking say. “there’s always been: hasnt there?” But intitien te sense only sowhen snts make MONE, inside: Page 1. Notes from Reg Pridham Letter of congratulattons - re: Fashton Show Page 2. Wtne and Cheese Party College Wide Testing & Research Committee Placement of Items on Reserve for Fall 1980 Page 3. New Ftlms, Film Bookings for Fall Semester New Locals - New Westminster, For Sale Page 4. For Sale, For Rent Readability of Textbooks