» On the outside... 7” WHITE ROCK AND SURRY NATURALISTS - OUTINGS. Sun. Feb. 4: Drayton Harbour and surround- ings. Leader, Madelon Schouton, 536-6018. Sat. Feb. 10: The best of Delta. Andre Willems, § 531-7061. Sun. Feb. 18: Steveston Dyke and Shady Island. Arnold Code, 594-1944. Sun. Feb. 24: Squamish, in the hopes of sighting eagles. Martha Harding, ¢ $31-8950-)| " SQUGLAS COLLEGE Everyone welcome: | a. om a NACHIVES ARGHIVES uudoue UBC OPEN HOUSE '79 Once every three years, UBC makes a special effort to expose some of the weird and won- derful things which are essential to its existence. This expose is given the title of ‘Open House' which at best is a vague des- cription of the event. During the two days which constitute Open House, members of the public will have the opportunity to explore all intriguing nooks and crannies on the UBC campus. This year's theme is 'UBC-it works for you'. Most faculties and schools will be setting up displays and projects to illustrate this theme. Displays will be informative and will invite visitor participation. Display plans have not yet been finalized, but in the past some of the attractions have been: - a mock trial in the Law Faculty - 'take-home trees' from Forestry - continuous recitals in the Music Building - displays in the gymnasium - chemistry magic shows - a farm equipment display from the ‘friendly faculty' of Agriculture This year UBC has two new facilities - the Museum of Anthropology and the Aquatic Cen- tre, both highly praised and thoroughly enjoyed by members and non-members of the UBC community. We at UBC extend an invitation to you, your staff and your students to attend our Open House, March 2 & 3. This event has special value for those considering attending uni- versity. Group tours will be conducted for all interested. For further information, write or phone: Sheila Fitzpatrick, Public Relations, or Van McLean, University Tours, c/o Open House '79, Box 59, Student Union Bldg., UBC, Vancouver Phone 288-5415. ———+~_A——_—_ BURNABY ART GALLERY A Terrible Beauty: The Art of Canada at War will be on exhibition at the Burnaby Art Gallery until February 11. The large number of paintings and draw- ings on display were selected from the Canadian War Art Collection and rep- resent an exceptional body of work by artists who were, and who have become, important figures in the development of Canadian art. There is no admission fee for the show. Gallery hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, except Wednesday; Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and weekends from noon to 5 p.m. BABY SITTER’S = INFORMATION & CHECK LIST OUR ADDRESS: WE ARE AT: THEIR PHONE No.: WE WILL BE HOME AT: FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THE CHILDREN CONTACT: ae? IN CASE OF EMERGENCY pie wins» wwe ewe POLICE