as gles ae ae Monday Aprif 22 Tuesday April 23 or eee ce ae (North Shore) (North Shore) Wednesday April 24 Thursday April 25 Friday . April 26 Sunday April 28 at ae _ Sponsor a week of activities concerned with family hfe. a number me aS °F AMILY SERVICE CENTRES of Greater Vancouver ak of leading Canadian personalities in this field are taking part. All are welcome to participate. “ie +8 REFLECTIONS ON FATHERING BT eee. one eae Jim Geddes, Vancouver Social Worker. aia Vancouver Public Library Auditorium Cobelli 3s ag 7:30 p.m. No Charge ne Reflections from men about what fathering means to them. Small group discussion. : THE MARRIAGE-GO-ROUND - HOW TO BE MARRIED WITHOUT SERIOUS TS Ed Bader, Co-ordinator, Family Life Education, Met. Toronto F,S. As Vancouver City College, bengara, 100 West 49th Avenue 7:30 p.m. No Charge Emphasises positive communication and conflict resolution in marriage. Small group discussion. Ties aes oF FILM FESTIVAL AND OPEN HOUSE Family Service Centres, 1616 West 7th Avenue. Continuous 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No charge. New films on family matters. AROUND THE KITCHEN TABLE A Family Life Theatre evening with Phoenix Theatre Company, ~ eee Elementary School, 6350 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, 8:00 p.m. No charge. AROUND THE KITCHEN TABLE Queen Mary Community School, 230 West Keith, North Vancouver. 8:00 p.m. No charge. FAMILY NIGHT POT-LUCK SUPPER An evening of Family Fun, films, crafts, and entertainment. lst United Church, 320 East Hastings. 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. For reservations please call 731-4951. SEXUALITY - CARING AND SHARING Doctors Beryl and Avinoam Chernick. Woodward Instructional Resources Centre, U.8.C., Lecture Hall 2. 8:00 p.m. Charge $2:00. Pre-registration advised - Centre for Continuing Ed. U.B.C. 228-2181. Well known for their film and as a co-therapy team counselling people with communication and sexual problems, the Chernicks will give a lec- ture and demonstration of their methods. Co-sponsored by Family Ser- vice Centres and Centre for Continuing Education, U.B.C.. BICYCLE SUNDAY Stanley Park - 8:00 to 12 noon. Family Service Centres contribution to Family fun in Stanley Park. For further information please call - FAMELY SERVICE CENTRES 731-4951