Food for thought for fiellow-sufierers (free of cnarge). l. nw ° Se 4e De Geo 2 Ge Start classes on time - not only begause our contract morally obligates us to do so but also because, if we are late, our students will disturb other classes which have started on time. rinish classes on time - altnough we know that our final pearls of wisdom are essential for the successful conclusion of the day's work = because otherwise we ceriously inconvenience the class which succeeds us. Students, initielly avpearing on time, will gradually fall into the habit of teeing late. Not every instructor has thessometimes highly necessary, courase of entering his/her class room wnile the predecessor is still concductins pusiness more than five minutes after the official time of termination. Keen your doors closed after classes nave started. ‘ie may think that our voice (with its resonance anc fascinating intonations, avart from the brilliant intellectual contents liberally cispersed in all direct- ions) is a boon to all mankind but in vractice it can easily becone a nuisance to other classes in the vicinity. Cther instructors also would like to be heard oy their ovn stucents, anc students attencing other classes might pat un with their own instructor but ao not need additional contrionutions from the outside, Discournze noisy activity in your orn class (however ‘innovative and "relevant “). ‘The walls of courlas Vollege co not nave ears but are tnin and not sounc nroof: there Is another class in tne next roome Leave tne class room the wav you have found it (provided it was clean and orderly at 8:CC ft seems to oe one of the asnects of the latest educational te que to arrange desks "“differcntly" or, even more orogsressive, to on tne floor (in a eirele, of course) and to consume food while the ciass is In nrorress, However, the veople comins after you might not be overly cntnuriastic avout beings con- fronted by 2 olig stye < moe > gh ‘3 e There are two reasons for the extensive use of audioevisual equinvment: either tne instructor feels that it is useful to the students for the comprehension of tne subject matter or becsuse he/she wants to goof off elezantly (lecturing is "traditional" and such a strain, anywayt).' Wnatever the reasons for the verforivance, nlease keep it low since the neighbours might not be entirely avprectative (what about an aucio-= visual room on every camous, dear administration? ). let's avoid talking oatsige a reom in wrich there is a cless in pro- gress. Je all have fallen oceasionelly into this abit which can be extremely’ annoyins to tne sersons on tne other slée of the wall. At Douslas College “tie student is at the centre" but, remember, you are the ooss where your cl oss is concerned. ns v reorse rorges -iberal Arts