life & style // no. 12 The future of storytelling > How technology changes the way stories are told Katie Czenczek Staff Writer he world of Ready Player One may come sooner than anticipated in Ernest Cline’s novel—well, some of the technology depicted in the novel at least. Although augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been in the works for many years now, it appears as if 2018 will be the year that more of these systems become available to the general public. This may excite some while leaving others worrying that our world is one step closer to living ina Black Mirror episode. As both a writer and an avid consumer of entertainment, I look forward to seeing how content creators use the available technology to change the way stories are told. In particular, I am eager to see how these technological advances will make stories more interactive. Historically, storytelling has been a passive experience. Sure, there have been exceptions such as interactive theatre and art shows, choose your own adventure novels, and—to a certain extent— traditional video games; augmented and virtual reality are able to bring the previously passive viewers into the very stories they cherish and love. could . Explore Vancouver oe ecccsccesccecccscccsccesccsccescoesees > Futurism in our city Brittney MacDonald Life & Style Editor s we examine the nature of futurism within this issue, certain themes should already be very apparent. Futurism is all about exploring possibilities in technology, society, innovation, and day- to-day life. Basically, it is the concern and excitement over what tomorrow or 100 years from now may bring. This kind of fascination with coming events was already seen once before in our fair city—and it definitely left its mark in a major, and iconic way. The 1986 World Exposition on Transportation and Communication, more commonly known as Expo 86, was a World’s Fair held in Vancouver from May 2 to October 13. It was an international event dedicated to examining the future of communication and travel throughout the world. It shared in a wealth of controversies for the time, but also remains solely responsible for Vancouver’s unique cityscape. When you think of Vancouver and what sets our city apart from many others, often two things come to mind—the SkyTrain, and the recognizable shape of Science World at the Telus World of Science. Though there are many architectural marvels that Vancouver acquired through Expo 86, including the iconic Canada Place, these two still stand as the ones that best embodied the futurist theme. The original SkyTrain line was built as a means of transporting everyone around the various pavilions and exhibits set up by the different participating W youworld you could only previously imagine or go with , where This is exactly why improved technology is exciting for storytelling; it allows for content creators to tell stories in ways that were not previously available to them. Could you imagine if you were able to explore the setting of your favourite novel all around you while reading the book? Just think about how the printing press changed the game for writers and readers alike. With that simple but effective technological advancement, books could be published significantly countries. From China’s contribution of the China Gate—now located on Pender Street—to the now derelict McBarge which sits docked in Burrard Inlet and is a haven for modern urban explorers. Expo 86 held exhibitions from over 30 countries and four Canadian provinces and territories, so a fast, metropolitan transit system of the future was necessary. When Expo 86 was done, the SkyTrain stayed, and has since been expanded and updated numerous times to stay in step with Vancouver's ever-changing needs. Tt now serves as an integral part of our transit system. Science World began as the Expo Preview Centre in 1985, a hub to come and see the coming attractions of Expo 86. When the World's Fair began, it became the Expo Centre which featured a then very innovative OMNIMAX. Coordinators for Expo 86 wanted the Centre to be immediately recognizable for years to come. They also wanted to create an unconventional building that looked as if it was from the future. For this they relied on American inventor, a faster and became that much more accessible to the public. I hope that the same will happen with the proposed VR and AR products set to launch this year. Technology that isn’t advanced enough to portray the artist’s vision can stifle creativity. George Lucas had to wait until special effects and CGI were advanced enough in order to create the full-fledged space scenes he envisioned for the first episodes in Star Wars, which is why he began the original trilogy with Episode IV: A New Hope. That is why technological advancements such as Oculus Go, Magic ee Tn | Richard Buckminster Fuller, the same man responsible for the Montreal Biosphere of Expo 67. Fuller died in 1985, so he never fully saw his design actualized for its original purpose, let alone saw it reimagined as an interactive museum. Science World is a geodesic dome: A thin-shelled building completely reliant on the weight-bearing triangles that encapsulate the round shape. As such, it is made to withstand vast amounts Leaps Lightwear Glasses, Pimax 8K VR Glasses and many other similar products to be released this year will eventually lead to more stories that have yet to be explored in such an interactive way. As developers continue to improve their machines the way that the gaming industry has rapidly seen improvements in graphics and playability, the more detailed and immersive VR and AR games will be. Let’s just hope that these products don’t fail before people are even able to create games for them the way Google Glass failed several years ago. of pressure. In actuality, it is probably one of the most resilient buildings in our city, despite how delicate it looks. As such I believe it is one of the most archetypal examples of architectural futurism that Vancouver has to offer. Hopefully this has shone a new light on amenities and sights that have are so familiar they have become invisible to us on our early morning commutes and treks for coffee. & So “ vu 2 2 o & > uv a o = Illustration by Cara Seccafien