July 2003 Pardon Your French Kerry Evans Opinions Editor I like to swear as much as the next trucker, but sometimes enough is just enough. When every second word is the F-word I deem that to be excessive. It used to be more of a taboo but now it seems that “adults” feel it is okay to go off if there are no kids around, and if there are kids around. Am I on a “what is the world coming to” kick? Perhaps, but I still think that saying something is still bet- ter than having it go undiscussed. So allow me take a moment to catch you up on my most current run-ins with the potty-mouth public. I live in a building that is currently under construction, and the workers stand outside my windows literally every sunny minute of the day and evening. Most of them are foreign and speak a language unknown to me but guess what English words they do know? You are such a smart bunch arent you? Yes they know the English swear words. So they yell for a few even sometimes minutes in their language then add a “fuck” or “shit” in between. Surely their language has come up with some naughty words of their own? Anyhow, there are also these two other guys who stand outside my bedroom window every morning at 7:30 talking about all the “bitches” they know. It’s great fun really — for my six-year-old to listen to. So I get up and open the window and say “Please step away from the window when you feel the need to swear » because I have a small child.” They were very nice and apologetic. Ahhh, a job well done I told myself. Until the next morning, when just like children, they forgot the lesson I taught them yesterday. Then I make signs for all my windows that read, “Please watch your language—child resides in this home” and, really, do I have to repeat myself? So only a “shit” every now and then, and I can deal with that. My daughi is no stranger to profanity by now an I can’t run outside every time someon cusses. Then (come on—you kne there would be a “then”) the leader o the potty mouths has a fit and goes right off. He yelled every swear word I’ve ever heard plus ones I never want to hear again. And, from the jist of the yelling, he was really mad because no one cleaned up after him. Ohhhhh poor Neanderthal man. So in my jam- mies and slippers I went outside and am faced with many people all at once. “Does anyone speak English,” I ask politely (right, me be polite?). One guy raises his hand and I said, “Where is the site manager?” He points and I go. The site manager assured me that he gave that guy a stern talking to (um when, because I came outside immedi- ately) and if I hear it again for me to point out who it was and he will fire them immediately. It sounds like a trap to me and I fell right in. I haven't heard anything since though. That’s right boys, I mean business. I was also at a neighborhood pub with a gal pal and two tables over there was a lady (I would only use the term “lady” because of her biological fea- tures) and she sure could swear. At first it was annoying and then it got kind of funny at how seriously disgusting her conversation was. We didn’t complain or anything, we just moved inside but where is the line drawn? | don’t want the day to come that we could get me . . | fined for swearing in public, because I have some really bad road rage but there has got to be some limit to this. I heard that there going to be swear-free zones but I couldn't find any concrete information on it. Opinions ¢ the other press © Word Search Kerry Evans Opinions Editor Theme: GREAT PHILOSOPHERS H Y T L Ss Cc c G Y B N Ww Y F A K P Q E Zz N $ A H P ¥ Zz e Oo A L G T Q E Vv E X H oO B B E $ A P x P Xx $ E 1. R A Cc $ E D G U e e Q R L. Xx A B Cc U L R Zz x E E K Cc oO L Ee R W M tT F K A N T s E ° oO E T Cc D oO K Vv E P L ¥ E M | LE $s H Oo iE P R N L L Cc U N N x w s Cc Ss : Ss D O° E A M H w M R L U { z P U 7 Ss Y T Vv H z Vv A U R F B Q { | H M ° G D s E M A J P Ss N Ss N D A E Y L R U J O H * uU x x K Oo M L z s F M J B P s GC R M R U z Ss E A H L J r A J z N Ww H L Ww A E Ss WORD LIST ARISTOTLE, BERKELEY, DESCARTES, FICHTE, HOBBES, HUME, JAMES, KANT, LOCKE, MARX, PLATO, PLOTINUS, RUSSELL, SOCRATES, SPINOZA, THALES http://otherpress.douglas.bc.ca «© Page 11.