Michael's Salon... -6th Street New Westminster .. requests the pleasure of your company. You will receive a 15 % discount on all services (chemical work not included) and retail products. All you need to do is produce a valid student card as I.D. Tf your hair isn’t becoming to you, you should be coming to us. For appetntment, call Michael’s Salon: 522- 1 1 1 Z or 522-65 30 the other press is pleased as punch to sponsor the as aman * he was a ¢ he was an asswipe sa freak * he was a Bea was gorgeous * he the inventor of grunge them? Have you had the flippin' thing? Tell really feel about this s, now that his death ‘officially! declared a Keep it under three 16 prizes may be worth your while. the best tickets for 2 to spirit of the west june 10 at the commodore & a really neato other press t-shirt almost best (2 to be awarded) a neato other press t-shirt re suicide of Kurt Cobain Your comment on ) use another sheet of paper if you have to « include your name, address, phone number and student number with entry form * you must be over 19 to enter (sorry, liquor laws) * send entries to: more spirit than cobain, c/o other press, box 2503, new westminster, bc v3l 5b2 © or fax us at 527-5095 same address as mail * one entry per person, please MORE SPIRIT THAN COBAIN. Other Press May 12, 1994 Dear Angeline Dear Angeline: Iam in a dilemma. I am attracted to someone in the office I work with. Al- though there’s nothing stopping me from acting on my interest, I am un- willing to try anything, because my gut reaction says it won’t work and could be a barrier to productivity. I haven’t acted on anything, but I can’t stop think- ing about this person. What do I do? Distressed in the land of letterhead Dear DITLOL: If you can’t stop thinking about this person it is going to affect your pro- ductivity whichever way you play it. If you don’t approach him/her you are going to drive yourself crazy. If you do and you discover she isn’t interested it may bring you down, but at least you'll know and won't be left wondering. So my advice to you is go for it. You have nothing to lose. Don’t predict what it may or may not be until you've given it a shot. Best of luck! Dear Angeline: Where I work there’s tons of noise from construction. I’m having trouble concentrating and even when I go home I’m experiencing shades of tinnitus. Do I have grounds to sue these bastards? Help me I’m at the end of my wits! I would phone a crisis line but I can’t hear what they're saying on the other line. Jackhammered You won't sell me any dope? traffickers go on strike by David Easton (The European) — Between British Columbia's volatile labour union envi- ronment and the West Coast's reputa- tion for its tolerance towards ‘easy liv- ing,' this story might be of interest. In Copenhagen, Denmark, it seems that purveyors of cannabis are as mad as hell at thegovernment, and they're not going to take it anymore. Protesting the recent crackdown on dealing of illegal drugs by police, the dealers have decided to go on strike, hoping the public outcry will put pres- sure on the Danish Parliament to legal- ize the trade of so-called 'soft drugs.' The drugs have long been traded openly in the area of the Danish capital called Christiania, an enclave that was taken over by ‘hippies’ in the 1960's, and is now home to a commune of abour one thousand residents. Packages are displayed plainly on tables in the street. Until recently, a tolerance for these displays has kept Copenhagen a major drug dealing centre for all Scandinavia. However, support for the strike is not unanimous. "We couldn't get anyone to agree," _ Said Peter Sorensen, spokesperson for the drug dealers. "Some dealers have huge debts and can't afford to go on strike." The government,.on the other hand, is taking this action positively. With a word toward closing up trade perma- nently, the Danish Justice minister was quoted as saying, "The longer they strike, the better Dear Jackhammered: Unfortunately you can’t sue people for doing construction, their just do- ing their job. But if you're really that unhappy about it you should talk to other people in the area and see how it’s affecting them. If their unhappy too, start a petition. If their not affected by it, don’t let that stop you . Voice your anger and frustration by talking to your boss about being transferred to another area where it’s not as noisy.: Meantime protect your hearing by wearing ear plugs. Dear Angeline: My problem is that I really like on of my instructors. I have had this particu- lar instructor for two semesters and got to know him quite well. I don’t really know how he feels but I know there is something there. That old sexual ten- sion thing. So first of all I have to know if there is some sort of policy at the col- lege about this sort of thing. Then next how should I go about this. I really want to have a thing with this man...whatever that thing may be. And if something a does happen don’t worry I'll be safe. : Dear Y: According to the Student Society there is an unwritten policy regarding college faculty dating students, so I strongly advise you not to pursue this. If you want more information the best person to contact is Barbara Bessy, the secretary to the Dean of the college. She would be able to advice you on what policies are currently in place regard- ing instructor/student relationships. Anyone interested in writing to Dear Angeline, please send letters to: Dear Angeline c/o the Other Press Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Or drop them off toThe Other Press, Rm 1020 in the mail slot during office hours, or under the door after hours.