DOUGLAS COLLEGE MAD HATTER PAGE 3 ARCHIVES Vacation Notices TO: ALL ADMINISTRATORS I will be absent from the College December 24th through January 4th inclusive. Al Atkinson will be Acting Dean of Educational and Student Services during this period. Gerry DellaMattia I will be on vacation from December 29th to January 12th, inclusive and, in my absence, David Driscoll will be Acting Dean of Applied Programs. I wish to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Ed Redmond HINTS FOR DEALING WITH THE NOTICE RE: Effective inmediately the telephone locals for Women's Centre Coordinator will be local 260 and Counselling will be local 215. HEARING IMPAIRED PERSON Look at the person when you speak. Don't smoke, chew gum, or block the area around your mouth with your hands or other objects. Speak naturally and clearly. Don't exaggerate lip movements or raise the volume of your voice. Try to avoid standing in front of windows or other sources of light. The glare from behind makes it dif- ficult to read lips or see facial expressions. Using facial expressions, gestures, and other "body language" is help- ful in conveying your message. If you are talking through the assistance of an interpreter, direct your conversation to the deaf person, Avoid speaking with your back to the deaf person such as when writing on the blackboard or walking to the back of the room. Don't hesitate to offer paper and pen to the deaf person to communi- cate a message. For further information, contact Gladys Klassen at 521-4851, local 285.