MAD HATTER SUPPLEMENT PAGE 2A ALL DOUGLAS COLLEGE PERSONNEL BILL DAY, CHAIRMAN, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT - MEETING WITH MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OFFICIALS REGARDING FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT BUDGET - DOUGLAS COLLEGE PERMANENT CAMPUS ‘Bill Day, B11] Morfey, Bob Lisson, Mabel Endacott, Terry Leonard and Sooz Klinkhamer met with Dr. J. F. Newberry, Executive Director of Management Services - Post Secondary, and members of his staff. Hector McIntyre, in charge of Capital Facilities, and our primary liaison person for the construction of the campus, was also in attendance. Members of the Douglas College team agreed that the meeting was very successful, in that we were given a very fair and considerate hearing, a sympathetic response, and clear direction. Some outstanding features: (a) The general budget totals have been accepted by Dr. Newberry for inclusion in next year's budget estimates - subject, naturally, to detailed approval over the next few months. (b) The earlier we have our final lists prepared, in the pattern desired by the Ministry (see memorandum from Barbara Bessey in this issue), the better. Ideally, the Ministry would like to have these lists in by early to mid-September. (c) The Ministry officials wish to see the building furnished and equipped to our actual student and staff requirements as of the Fall, 1982, rather than fully equipping the building to 1988 standards. (d) Concerns were voiced regarding science capital items, but there was general acceptance of a philosophy that our science laboratories should be equipped to first-class lower-division standards, using SFU and UBC as the bench marks. (e) Under no circumstances would the total Furnishings & Equipment budget be allowed to go over the 15% guideline. To the degree that our budget is below the 15% guideline, it will tend to gain credibility in the eyes of the Ministry and the Treasury Board (hich is exercising extraordinary control over ail expenditures these days.) (f) The general principle seems to have been accepted that the equipping of the Dental Hygiene laboratory is exclusive of the general formula funding for the building as a whole - as the Dental Hygiene Program is really the first of a series of new technologies and programs that will be added to the College as time goes on. Our general impression was that our colleagues in the Ministry were very favorably impressed by the care and thought that has gone into our project to date. The members of the Project Development Committee would like to congratulate and thank all those members of the faculty and staff who have worked so hard to date on this aspect of the overall project.