eo yt. PVM YE, Ae ete se Ut wa Poecy WoO} RRs Afi. tend POY Fak ist LF) bes, rey bd fy MEN ARE OWLS TRYING TO SEE THE SUN e.g. we are the only form of life capable of self-scrutiny, analysis and reflection; educa- tion has been arranged for all; we are literate, have access to thousands of years of history and culture; our governments have instant information on every aspect of social and commercial life yet at no earlier period have men been so susceptible to economic con men, cult leaders, astrologers, ESP experts and pie-in-the- sky. Really, can what we must learn ever be taught? TRENDS o Japan is now cooking and eating western style, Mit-. subishi is selling packaged groceries, pizza, cling peaches, Dentyne gum and Chef Boy-Ar-Dee spaghetti. and Steak Houses. In partnership with Canteen Corp. Lt plans to fill Japanese office buildings with banks of food, coffee and soft drink vending machines. ack BUSINESS My Yh ye ks Ld f te % f FN oy pw af > G rl fn Pe . iy fi yi, eS aS t PS on: ! By 2: , wd A ee | ‘ eres UE ise ORT ROLY. SM tL ree BO 1s fs ya wars xy ve Shs The $23-billion ggant is expanding with franchises in Shakey's, Big Boy Ham burgers, Kentucky Fried Chicken and British Pub edra vacation home In Japan tt costs $38,000 o Kinisho Mataichi Corp. has just order 30 prefab- ricated vacation homes from Can Cedra of Vancouver. The units will sell for $9000 each in Japan. Plumbing, wiring, interiors, basement will cost an additional $9,000 and the lot cost of $20,000 brings the total home and lot to close to $40,000. aA. ce . , How come, you gnys? We're tupposed to be brain food.” Sales of Canadian pre-fabs to Japan could -rise very sharply when building codes are changed and this is ex- pected, TRENDS The Ontario Research Foun- dation has developed a . water recycling system that is now ready for commercial installation. An apartment building housing about 1000 people, will have a recycled water system controlled by a pliant in the basement. The system, developed after 20 years of research, will cost $250,000 and will take care of 98% of water needed by the building. Drinking . water amounts to only 2% of water usage. All solid wastes from the recycling plant are compacted into a burning fuel, so a heat source is also a benefit. lan Mn