. Nal res Umces O 7.30 Special: "We are prisoners.’ radios Cousteau to NASA and nearby ships in “Blizzard at Hope Bay."’ The show's most dramatic moments occur during brief scenes of the Antarctic blizzard, in which the damaged Calypso is cov- ered by an estimated 30 tons of ice. Before the onslaught of over 90-mph winds and snow, Cousteau and his divers film a colony of virtually extinct fur seals; flocks of penquins migrating to ice floes for the winter; and the div- ers themselves, frolicking in the sub- freezing waters. Cousteau also en- counters and rescues Dr. David Lewis, an Australian adventurer lost at sea Sunday MARCH 24, 2:00 @ ADIEU ALOVETTE The French-Canadian woman _ is profiled in ‘‘La Quebecoise."’ The role of women in Quebec society, past and present, is traced. - 4:00 @ NATURE OF THINGS Special: “The Cree of Painted Hills” focuses on this friendly Indian tribe living on the east coast of James Bay Examined are the life style and cus- toms of the Cree people, and the dan- gers posed by the technological en- croachment of the white man. On camera: the daily routine of the tribe, including the seal hunt, fishing, set- ting up tents and preparing beaver traps There's also a look at ceremoni- al dances (60 min.) 9:00 € @ NATIONAL DREAM 10pm Macdonald's choice of James Hiil, George Stephen and Donald Smith to head the railway syndicate results in one of the bitterest battles of his polit- ical career ‘The Great Debate” lasts for two months and leaves the Prime Minister exhausted and ill. (60 min.) @ WINDOW ON THE WORLD —Report Special: How the European industrial boom affects social and economic conditions ‘The New Europeans” compares three citizens of the new economic society a Dutch manager of an English company in Germany. a German who has tived and worked in the same town ali his life, and a Turk- ish immigrant who works in a German migrant camp isotated from family and friends. Cameras record the so- cial and home lives of the men and their distinctly separate life styles the manager 's seen at parties and international gatherings, the Ger- man in pubs and with friends, and the immigrant in a village milieu (60 min ) tv- highlights Friday MARCH 22. 1974 (4 JACQUES COUSTEAU Monday = marci 2s, 1974 10:00 IMAGES OF CANADA —WDocumentary “Splendour Undiminished."’ Paintings of West Coast Indians and Indian life by Paul Kane and Emily Carr highlight this film essay of British Columbia, the final program in the series on the white man in Canada. The province's histéry is recounted, touching on ear- ly Russian fishermen, Spanish gold- seekers, and British seal and beaver hunters; the influence of Sir James Douglas, who was instrumental in bringing B.C. and Vancouver Island into Confederation in 1871. Mia An- derson, Paxton Whitehead and Doug- las Rain narrate. Produced .and direct- ed by Garol Myers. (60 min.) Wednesday = marcu 27. 1974 030 @® sTUDENT FORUM The topic of energy is discussed by Dr. Gordon Shrum, Dr. A. Thompson, director of the British Columbia Ener- gy Commission. Thursday marci zz, 1974 9:00 @ PLAY'S THE THING—Drama “The Executioners,"’ Farley Mowat's documentary drama based on the trial of two young Eskimo hunters accused of killing their mother and an aunt. Adapted for television by Len Peter- son. (60 min.) i 3pm (@) WOMAN A Catholic professor and a rabbi offer views on sexism in religion. Sandra E1- kin ts the moderator.