Oe Ee a a —— Sa Prior to this meeting I had been asked by the Douglas College Faculty Association Executive Committee to collect information on the association dues at the other colleges: 1. ¥.C.C. Langara $72.00 Payroll Deduction Certified, May 4, 1973 2. Cariboo $50.00 Payroll Deduction Applied for 3. Okanagan $48.00 Payroll Deduction Applied for 4. Selkirk $37.00 Optional = -_-_— sw eee eee Ba Ca tie Une $30.00 ---------- Applied for 6. Capilano $30.00 = <2 = se--2-7- Applied for 7. Malaspina $30.00 Payroll Deduction Applied for * 8. Douglas $10.00 = --en ee er- we een en eeee *Note: Douglas dues were $20.00 out of which $10.00 per member were pay- able to the CFF as our fees for membership. At the Nanaimo AGM the CFF dues were raised to $20.00. But due to the technicality of Douglas College Faculty Association having been registered under the soc- ieties Act on May 31, 1973 and the Constitution now registered stating the dues to be $10.00 a resolution will be presented at the October meeting to re-join the CFF and at the same time to increase the dues. A national seminar on the dollective bargaining in Community Colleges in Canada is planned for November 17-20, 1973 at Banff. It is hoped that delegations comprised of administrators, trustees, and faculties from each college will attend. President of the CFF has been approached by the newly fromed B.C. Univsities Association for liason. The executive endorsed the idea of establishing contacts with this organization as well as the Alberta Association of College Faculty. Dave Milton(Langara) is the new newsletter editor. He would welcome news and articles of interest to the college faculty from any member. The dates for the next CFF AGM to be held at VCC (Langara) are May 9-11, 1974. If you can offer any suggestions re the programming please contact Dave Milton at Langara Campus. 12