“PRINCIPAL'S COUNCIL Next PRINCIPAL’S CouncIL MEETING New WESTMINSTER CommuNITY CENTRE SEPTEMBER 21, 1971 AGENDA —EE) 9-l0a.m. Discussion on use of Computer for Douglas College 10-l2p.m. 1. Minutes of meeting of Sept.14/71. 2. United Appeal 3. Amended resolution re Anti-Calendar 4. Discussion of next year's Budget 5. Report on Oppor- tunities for Youth Programme. 6. Report on Reconsti- tution of Struc- tures Committee. 7. Calendar 8. Spring Timetabling Rg a ag et gg gg tag POSITION VACANCY DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTES College Council has approved a new position - Director of Institutes. This person will report to the Dean of Continuing Education. The salary is as per schedule with a $2,200 annual emolument. The starting date is on appointment or as soon as possible thereafter. The position description may be obtained from Neil Hill at 426 Columbia Street. Applications should be directed to W.L. Day and must be received by 10:00 am Thursday, September 23rd, 1971. DOUGLAS STEW a a ets a aa @ Students Transferring to the UBC Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration An error occurs on our pink sheet detailing information for students anticipating transferring to UBC. Students require a grade point average of 2.0 in order to transfer to Commerce I or Commerce II at the University of British Columbia. No grades below a "C" are transferable. Students have the option of transferring after one or two years at Douglas College. The faculty should be aware of an interlibrary loan agreement worked out with S.F.U. last semester. This agree- ment allows Douglas College students to obtain duplicated material from period- icals and books in the S.F.U. library at a charge of $ .10 per page. Garth Homer, Assistant Librarian gg Ig a a I ry Sg II JO yf gt IA INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSES MEETING PLANNED Taculty teachine interdisciplinarv courses or interested in further develonment of same, e.f., Canadian Studies or Nerth American Cultures, "ill vant to attend a meeting to discuss these matters. The meeting is planned for September 16, Foom £197, 19:30-12:90, at the Surrey Campus. If vou cannot attend to rerresent vour own interests vou siould consider cormunicating vour ideas through a representative. For further details, »lease contact Jackie Cresko or Cene “fcIntvre, New West, 521-4851.